3 wins = waste of time = nothing burger = why are you doing this?

Any chance you can explain how this system is supposed to be effective if after 15 minutes and doing your jobs well you walk way with literally nothing ?

Is this entertaining ?

Is this the best blizzard’s joke of a devo team can come up with after this many years of practice ?

Some answers would be nice but like your PVP system currently, I’m expecting nothing to come of this time spent here.

Only gaining 8-15 points for a win but losing 25 - 45 for a loss. It’s as if they DO NOT want you to continue playing and set the stage for a giant waste of time.

If you can’t create a system worth people time just remove it please. This is the illusion of a pvp system.

Also, what’s up with 2k rating players on first queue? New priest alt and I was queueing into 1800-2200 as a zero. Has the Devo team just lost their minds ? The effect of putting zero’s with 2200 is unhappy customers. I mean if pushing your player base towards Final Fantasy or other alternatives, mission accomplished.


Last time I checked +3-3=0



Let me get my calculator, hold my beer. Is there any reason we don’t have 5 or 7 games in a set to avoid epic pointless results? Genuine Q here.

I’m curious, what year were you born?

Not everyone would get to play with each other an equal number of rounds.

It’s not pointless you tied and maintained your mmr/cr. Try winning next game



My bet is post 2000, maybe post 2005

It’s public knowledge just google it :roll_eyes:


I’m asking about op :slight_smile:

There’s a LOT of inflation. That’s starter mmr.

Then your mmr is below your cr and it’s adjusting accordingly. This really only happens if you’re on a loss streak or losing games you should win.

If you win 3 and lose 3 games in any game with a competitive ladder, you’ll be approximately right where you started. Shuffle just has 6 “games” of mmr baked into it in the form of rounds.

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you didn’t do your job well if you went 3-3 at mmr = or close to your cr

if you queue 3v3 and win 1; lose 1; win 1; lose 1; win 1; lose 1 you will likely be at the same CR that you started at (if your mmr is close to your cr)

if this is a healer specific complaint and it’s specifically talking about 4-2; 5-1; or 6-0s then i completely agree

there should be some sort of change to how healers mmr interact imo

but for everyone else it’s legit good

outside of healers having to fight uphill battles due primarily to the small amount of healers actually playing the system is … good tho?

artificial inflation unlike natural inflation directly impacts starter mmr

you see 2000 and think “wow that crazy!” but 2000 right now is functionally 1500 15 weeks ago

the number is completely irrelevant and the people that are 2k cr while you’re 0cr are 50/50ing at placement mmr meaning they’ve essentially traded time and poor performance to increase their cr without gaining mmr

they’re likely worse than the 0 cr player

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3-3 depending on the matchup can and most of the times lower your mmr not your cr.

Well, just see it as 6 arena games of which you won 50% and lost 50%.

When you are unhappy with the outcome, there is an easy solution: Win more than you lose!

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Nice. try winning

I mean I didnt complain about not gaining / losing I just told you mmr changes do happen in 3-3

it is. just not for us

easy fix: make wins and losses have dynamic MMRs based on who’s on your team - like real 3s - rather than just you vs the other healer. Suddenly 3-3 could be a win or a loss, no more net-zero

even better fix that is incomprehensible to mere mortals: delete 3s and enforce 5v5 best of 1 format


:triangular_ruler: :eye: :question:

15m?, yeah after a 20-50m wait, only to get into a lobby with 5 2.1k players and a 400 rated healer, and they leave 3-4 matches in when 0-4

They goofed it all up when they showed players under the hood instead of creating a more interesting carrot