3 weeks and 8.3 tanks

The new forging system and loot design, the majority of players wont need to play beyond 2-3 weeks of gearing.

1 month of sub and then wait it out til the next xpac.

Said it first here.

Won’t need to or won’t want to?

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10 char

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People who play for this kind of loot shouldn’t be playing wow anyways but some facebook game. Everyone would be happier if they did.

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Hahaha. Really?

Cause classic is doing so well after less than 2 months…

There was a queue of 2000 people to log in last night…

Son the only walking corpse here is you.

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Whoa 2000 people eh. Thats massive lol.

30 servers is still only 60k… peanuts.

I could continue but at this point it feels like im picking on someone with a lot of problems.


A 2000 person queue to log-in?

That’s pretty serious.

You realize that’s not how the numbers work, right?

Or you got nothing.

BFA tanked, classic tanked… think its time for the company to do some serious soul searching.

Not when we take into consideration that those very queues used to be 25,000. It shows a massive decline in population. I can’t wait for the justification on that part.

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Considering they were able to manage 12 million people at one time and they are lucky to have 400k at best in classic is a joke btw.

The most worrying thing about 8.3 is that 9.0 design is going to be set in stone by this point.

They clearly haven’t learned that people are tired of grinding and RNG, so they’re going to shovel up more of it.

  1. They created more servers.
  2. They have been working hard on getting more people into each realm.

Both of these things have been documented. Go hit wowhead.

Citation Needed.


Dozens of new servers including non linked BR servers something we are told retail hasn’t had the numbers to support. As well as tourists leaving im not going to pretend everyone who tries the game stays but these are some utterly bizarre arguments to be making,

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Grinds have been an important aspect of mmorpg’s since the dawn of the genre. This isn’t Call of Duty where you log in, queue up, do your thing, then log out. We have character progression here.

Layers are gone bro. Think the most a realm will hold is 6k. There are about 30 realms that gives you 180k. I was being generous with 400k

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Only in the East.

MMORPGs were considered a joke until WoW came onto the scene in the West because it wasn’t a grind fest.

I don’t know why you guys keep bringing up other MMORPGs when people play WoW because other MMORPGs besides FF14 or ESO (which are also casual friendly and have very little grind) are garbage.

Interesting. I haven’t seen a que since the second week.



I suppose it depends on the realm/geo/time.

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