3 way to fix some pvp problems

I am sure many will not be agree with me post but don`t care this is best way to fix some problems we have in PvP.

  1. Solo Q Arenas and Blizz Solo Q don`t be active with rating for first 2months let people play normal arenas 3vs3 rbgs for first 2monts to practice they class tunning learn pvp and after 2months on next pre-patch start active rating on blizz and solo q events in that way everyone can play game and learn and solo q after 2months will be more balance (blizz and solo q arenas active but no rating for 2months). There it is then there more team playing 3vs3 and rbgs and after 2months most of time time pvp is in coma and then you can active solo q rating
  2. For each braket rating 1.6 for exemple you can choose item from wasty/belt/back/ @ 1.8+ rating shoulders/chest etc/ and only at 2.1 let ppl have weapon give reason for ppl to push and make pvp weapon or one of the finger strong or to able to use in pve and this way more pve players will try to take that item from pvp
  3. Make every month trade post PvP for exmple for 15 wins in months arenas let ppl pick a mounts or cosmetic 10wins rbgs month same way that way you make ppl engage more on them to play for win and do something and get reward (is not hard to make 15-10wins month if you daily win easy to reach it)
  4. This is extra bonus for Solo Q Blizz you must to change staking class and let ppl q as 1healer and 2dps like this are more chances of winning and other think when you enter blizz instant connect ppl to in game voice and communication will be throw voice if ppl don`t want voice they can just leave in voice game but that one is must to be instant contection when you enter blizz

this way everythink is getting more balance and fix it and everyone happy solo q contend up with rating on next mini pre-patch let people learn and train them self i see so many dont know maps messy you cant send 8vs8 whit no knowledge of not be preapare

This is a terrible idea and would alienate a significant portion of an already diminished player base. Furthermore, more than likely it would have the opposite effect. People just wouldn’t queue at all.