3 PvP Alliance players LF semi hardcore raiding Guild!

Hello we are looking for a guild to go into classic with and start raiding.
any raid day as long as it starts after 8est
The classes we play
about us
All been playing since tbc have raided in most xpacs atleast some and just want to experience all that classic has to offer. not to picky on server
post here or add me

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Hello! Just sent you a request, hope to chat soon!


Hey there! Hope you guys find a good home. Feel free to give us a look and lemme know if you have any questions:

Good luck with your search!

You boys seem nice.

Hey buddy! We’ve got room for all three of ya, good group of folk forming so far on Fairbanks! Sent you a request if you’re still looking to chat. Here’s the full post.

LHey I think we might be a good fot for you 3. Just added you on battlenet (DaKoTa) we plan to raid Fri/Sat starting at 10 pm est

Hey bro. Just added u on bnet, we raid mwf 8 to 11pm cst. Seems like that would fit your schedule nicely. My bnet is mage#11834

Hey, bud!
Best of luck finding a guild, for the alliance!
I’m glad you’ll be on our side.
Check us out, and see what you think!

< Fran Aska > “From Ashes” Alliance | PvP Server: Herod | Semi-Hardcore | CST |


:crossed_swords: Focus :crossed_swords:
To have fun! A semi-hardcore Classic WoW experience. Designed to fit a working-person’s schedule. Fran Aska will have something for everyone including consistent raiding, PvP, or just chilling. Leadership will strive to be transparent, fair, and effective at making raiding goals and group play events a reality.

:crossed_swords: Raids :crossed_swords:
Progress & supporting raids Sunday/Mondays with a 8PM CST Start, with Saturday being for raid quests and attunements. Loot council will give drops to characters to benefit long-term progress. An alt is encouraged to enable more raids, splits, and scheduling flexibility. Attendance requirements will be more relaxed when compared to hardcore guilds.

:crossed_swords: PvP :crossed_swords:
Groups for days

:crossed_swords: Leveling :crossed_swords:
We are making 5 man leveling groups to boost the leveling process. We will assign a group based on your availability to play so a group can be on the same schedule.

:crossed_swords: Discord/Contact :crossed_swords:
We are looking for various levels of players: officers, Raiders, PvP-er’s, and casual.

Message me on Discord: Meo#5613


We will be raiding Tues/Wed/Thurs

Currently recruiting DPS and healers.

We have room for 2 Priests and 1 Feral.