Hello, as the title says, there are 3 of us that are looking for a home on thrall hordeside.
We are:
DPS evoker(can flex heal)
Resto Druid
Enhance Shaman
Availability: evenings until 11pm EST.
we are looking for an active, AOTC focused guild that also likes to push keystones on non-raid days. Please note: we are NOT looking for CE, however SOME mythic bosses once aotc is on farm is acceptable. were all working adults with kids and lives and cannot commit to a CE team.
In addition, we are currently all on thrall, and would prefer to stay there.
please message me at Zeerek#1116 (Bnet) or Zeerek#4712 on discord.
Updated post for new roles and availability
If you can make it to 9pm now Guaranteed to Bleed still has spots. We have been around since BC. Lately we went on a hiatus and then did 1 day alt runs to start gearing up for the new
We are a 2 day AOTC guild Tues/Wed 6:30-9pm pst or 9:30 to midnight est.
bumpteybump. Still looking
Saw that you added me on bnet, so I sent you a msg the other night.
If you go in your battlenet launcher on the pc and go to the bottom right and click “Chat’s & Groups” I’m sure you’ll see a lot of missed msgs from others as well 
If you have the app can also check the chat from there…
Anyhow if you’re still interested hit me up to find out more about our guild 
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