Hi there!
Our group of three is searching for a guild to raid with in Battle of Dazar’alor and onward. I play several classes, although my preference is to heal (I can be swayed from this for the right circumstance, and I always maintain a DPS spec for flexibility purposes). My friends play a Warlock and a Rogue.
I have experience raiding (and raid leading, as well as healing officer roles) at varying levels of seriousness since Cataclysm, including some time in more hardcore settings. My friends have more recently started raiding but are both quite strong players in their own right.
Currently we’re sitting at 5/8 Mythic; I’ve done all the fights as a Mistweaver, as well as all 3 specs of Paladin and on my Mage. I also have a Priest, Druid, and Rogue at 120; my Priest is currently my favorite to play (any spec, Shadow included), but it would require gearing before BDA opens. The other two have only played their Warlock and Rogue for progression. The Warlock can also play a Demon Hunter.
We’ve come to develop (or in my case, renew) a passion for raiding and would love an opportunity to trial in a more serious setting. We’re all what we would consider students of the game, and we understand that we aren’t perfect players, but are striving to perfect our respective crafts through log analysis and engagement in class Discords. We’re also very open to constructive criticism and have a strong desire to improve in whatever ways we can. We also put progression over parses in all circumstances and will not try to pad solely for better scores.
We expect our trials to be on an individual basis, and each of us is fine with being benched if we aren’t playing up to standards. We’re flexible on times, though weekdays are vastly preferable and evenings (PST) are ideal. 3+ days per week would be best, but we could do 2 days for the right team and progression. Would prefer to stay Horde. Add me at Bailey#11757 if you’d like to chat, and thank you for your time!
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