3 people que synq solo shuffle

just ran across another Tich que sync in solo shuffle …seems rather easy to get at least 4 wins for each person…when i see 3 people from the same server i get very suspicious…


I’m sure… :roll_eyes:

well they did each get 4 wins …when ever 2 - 1 the 1 just tanked …easy wins

“i ran into 3 people from the top 3 most popular servers on wow”


I have had entire bgs filled with people only from Tich. They all must have been cheating!!!1

The chances of getting into the same group as one person would be already difficult enough, but you’re saying it was 3 people…

YES they were cheating it was clear when i look up the stats on details …which ever person was the odd one …he would tank …have no damage or healing …you dont believe me fine …but tell it cant be done ? or its not happening? …you people argue just to argue

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With low participation it’s very, very, very believable that they could do it on a regular basis.

Although idk that it’s worth the time investment.

This was two buddies and I we are que syncing specifically into you to hold your CR down


Nah. You’re just accusing randoms of cheating.

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Where is Beedie when we need him? These RMT boosters selling below starter mmr 1800 sets are at it again!

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he’s got ma moggies already

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Im guessing this heinous crime was committed in the 1600s


He was suspended for 30 days

Boosters got him? Shame.


oh he’s def gonna believe you and report this lol


He should I was one of the boosters.


How much you make?

12 giga trillion dollars (not euros)


Damn. Sounds lucrative. No wonder they wintrading at 1600

Yea and they throw so easily with my s1 sinful soul drake. They just throw their hands up and scream i quit just at the sight of it

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