Actually its only two new mounts for the trading post…cause the Spectral Gryphon if you buy it as Alliance …if you have a Horde toon it will be on your horde side as the Spectral Wind Rider which is horde version of it. So don’t go nuts thinking you’ve to to spend 1400 tokens to get both now…so its only two new mounts coming the Spectral ones and the Swift Zhevra mount.
Didn’t they do something similar with the alabaster mounts except buying one did not reward the other (when bought off the TP, not the store)? So you had to buy both?
When I brought the Alabaster one for Alliance side I think I got the Horde one too…let me ck…
Edit just ck on my Horde toon and she has the Alabaster Thunderwing and I only brought the Alabaster Stormtalon one for Alliance side…
Listed on site with info about both mounts…“Purchasing this code only adds +1 to your total mount collection count - the usable mount visible in your collection will change between the Alabaster Stormtalon and the Alabaster Thunderwing depending on which faction the character you are logged on, essentially functioning as only one mount despite being two unique models.”
Huh, maybe they changed it? My youngest brother told me he only had the gryphon since that’s the one he bought.
I only buy Alliance side mounts esp if its one like this that is a duel mount for both sides…
I had both from when it was in the estore so I couldn’t test it. I suppose I’ll get to test the spectral ones when they come out.
Did you buy it off the store or the TP? Because I was talking in regards to the TP only. I know from the store it gave both but I’m pretty sure if you bought it off the TP you would only get one at a time.
I got the Spectral one when it first came out years back where you got a another player to come back to the game to play and you got the scroll to get it.
I didn’t know anyone irl who could play since my youngest brother wasn’t old enough. I JUST got the renown explorers attire yesterday since I managed to get him to get his own account finally. I also didn’t have the money/didn’t want to make my own alt account to get the recruit a friend stuff.
Except that’s not how it worked for the Alabaster ones on the Trading Post.
I brought the Alabaster one from the Blizzard store I got it years back when it first hit market…both the Alabaster and Spectral ones act like this …you buy one and you have the other one on the other side…only way to see if you have it on side is to actually have a horde toon …
You had to buy them separately on the Trading Post.
I am not talking about the Alabaster ones with this post …this post is about the Spectral ones…I have both Alabaster ones and I only brought one when I was on this character so I brought the Alliance ver and got the horde one too…when it was first offer years back…if its change that is not my issue now…but when I got mine I got both sides…from one purchase.
You’re missing my point.
Originally, the Spectrals were get one, get both. Originally, the Alabasters were get one, get both.
The Alabasters on the Trading Post did NOT work like that. Thus, the Spectrals probably won’t either.
Yes. This is what I’m saying as well. From the way Blizz handled it last time, I would assume the same thing would happen again. So if the OP is expecting both when they buy one of them, they’re gonna get disappointed.
Man, they are screwing people hardcore who bought all these mounts at one time.
Pretty sure you had to buy the Alabaster mounts separately (I had to freeze one so I could get both) so I wouldn’t take it for granted that the two spectral mounts won’t be the same.
As is usually the case with multiple mounts, you won’t be able to get them all at once, especially if you buy other things as well.
How? I had my Alabasters for a long time to enjoy them before others.
It just means those of us who have these mounts can save/spend our tenders on other things.