3 minute Q on AV

And we know this how? I’d have to see actual proof… I did not see this in any patch notes. It seems kinda InfoWars-y to me.

Today was 1.5 hours for me. Complete bs

We need things changed asap.

Tired of these 3 min q’s.


reroll go to retail etc etc


Not at all, because AV now starts 40v40 as intended.

It’s not in the patch notes; Blizz doesn’t need to document everything there. It’s just obvious. it’s why the average queue time for last 10 players on alliance is always 2 minutes. (It’s actually 2.5 minutes, but the game rounds to 2).

It’s the most obvious way to break premades that have a large number of simultaneous queues, and it seems Blizz did exactly that.

I would LOVE a 3 minute queue instead of over a 30 minute queue.

This is just paranoia. I haven’t had a single queue go past 4 minutes. Since we don’t have instant queues, it’ll be nearly impossible to coordinate solo-queues to land in the same BG. They don’t need to do anything to make things “random” or extended beyond what the patch notes say.

I suggest you just queue up and enjoy the game!

You missed the idea. They are holding queues within a 5 minute window. You are queuing somewhere within that 5 minute window. This means your maximum wait will be 5 minutes, and minimum wait might be instant pop. But on average, you will wait 2.5 minutes, which displays rounded down to 2 minutes.

The queuing dynamics between Horde and Alliance haven’t changed that much; Alliance is still virtually an instant queue as many horde are waiting. The difference is there is an artificial grouping of 5 minutes that is designed to make sure that a large group queuing at the same time won’t all end up in the same BG. And, based on Blizzard’s announcement, this is by design.

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I can’t prove it, but I believe it will get worse. My prediction is 4 hours for Horde in a couple weeks, as fewer Alliance queue increasing the imbalance.

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I look forward to queueing for AV, going to work, then coming home and joining a match.

No, I got your idea. I just think it’s nuts.

will get to 4 hours once bwl comes out

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