3 man guild groups and Inferno dungeons

I wonder if it’s better to just leave groups that have 3+ guildies. If they do something stupid and you mention it they have all the power to give you a 30m kick vote. Guy pulled everything in SFK upto boss, killed us. Pulled the whole courtyard, killed us. Tell him they’re skippable… and boom get the boot.

Guess it’s true when people complain about this system, I wonder how many of those groups have been triple queued…

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That kind of recklessness isn’t unique to partial guild runs, but that said, I’ve noped out of my share to avoid being relegated to “the help”. I figure if you have to coach infernos, the second or third iteration of these dungeons, when the dungeon guide also exists, not to mention videos and forums, it’s more worth deserter. Just cycle the alts.

I realize the problem was the trash, so the dungeon guide and videos are less relevant, but even so, practice runs in the lower difficulties would familiarize one with the mobs, assuming it wasn’t just facerolled into completion. Unfortunately, discount gear and valor farming has turned heroics into just that, a faceroll, sometimes funneling the underprepared into infernos. I’m glad for the cheap 359s, it’s nice for alts, so not to sound gatekeepy. Just pointing out the cost of doing business.

Update - These losers also reported me as a 3 pack and gave me a nice 10 day vacation. Maybe I can find a real game in that time.

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Learn to do stunts and speak emote to avoid future bans, or so I’ve heard. Also JARPGs and WoW are like Budweiser and Chinese food.

Sounds like part of the story isn’t being told. Blizz doesn’t just ban for reports. I’m willing to bet that you whispered them with not so nice words.


Oh I absolutely did. Their behaviour in that dungeon was abysmal and I didn’t appreciate them kicking me after talking a bunch of smack.

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You’re playing the victim here when you’re not. They didn’t get you banned; you did that on your own.

I guarantee that you probably bashed them and started name calling right off the bat. You got what you deserve.


I actually didn’t so your little guarantee is entirely wrong. They kicked our warlock without warning and then me right after the third wipe. Neither of us initiated the pulls.

I bet :roll_eyes:. I’m fairly certain everyone on the forums see right through your masquerade. We all know players like you. Get some counseling for your anger issues. It will help with you getting kicked from groups and banned for whispering and harassing those people further.


How’s this one for ya… group of 3 from pagle all guildies. I can take screenshots if you refuse to believe how ridiculous this sounds…

Shaman need rolls on a shield from stratholme, one that does damage each time a person blocks… I kid you not and this is word for word - I asked “Can shamans even block?” then I was told “Nobody asked you did they?” and I was removed on the last boss at 50% HP. Nothing to do about it, and the question wasn’t facetious I had to google it after during my 30 minute timeout. Turns out they do.

Basically a rule of wow is never type anything in chat if youre with a 3+ stack.

Theres plenty of irl research done that shows if you give the avg person power over another person they will abuse it.


what if you let him figure out if they’re skippable on his own?


It wasn’t so much about the skip as it was pulling the entire courtyard at once, multiple times. People are welcome to think what they want on this topic, including simply flaming me. It’s hard to really understand the situation without having been there yourselves.

Yup it was rude and childish to whisper them to go eff themselves and I likely got what I deserved but I’m a vocal person and if I’m wronged I’m not going to take it lying down. It’s a ridiculous system and like I said you had to be there to get a real grasp of it. They took the power of having a three stack and used it to remove both the warlock and myself.

The other guy didn’t say a single word or do a single thing wrong but he was removed regardless - including my voting no to a vote with no message/reason. They stood around until the timer was up to initiate a second kick and off I went.

this is false. it takes 4 votes when they’re a guild group.


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If this is true then it must have been coincidental timing for the vote and him to leave within the same three seconds of the vote, which could indeed happen. At which point his leaving enables their 3 votes though…? Which still leads to being 3 votes all from one group. I suppose this makes sense to a degree though, you wouldn’t want an AFK 4th if you were trying to finish a run with 3 people.

If not that then I call bull-ony to that VIP’s post and would need to see it from a GM post to truly believe it. Either way it’s a mess and my new policy is to just leave groups of three regardless of my role selection. Better to take my own leave timer and play an alt then to do an entire dungeon while they plot to kick me halfway though last boss and turn my day miserable.

there is a possibility they didnt add the pre-form 4th vote to Classic Cata… i know its a thing in retail.

Citing how it works in retail to say it works like that in Cata Classic is extremely dicey at best lmao

As frustrating as it is, majority rules when it comes to RDF. Even if theyre being toxic or doing stupid things like you mentioned, youll be immediately kicked if you say anything. I’ve experienced the same thing. IF that does happen again, what you have to do is whisper them and goat them into swearing at you or saying something reportable. Have to fight fire with fire. I either wont say anything at all, or ill just leave once i can without catching a deserter prize. Ill usually cause a wipe before i do that as well. You gotta fight toxic with toxic my friend.

How do you leave without a deserter penalty? I don’t really just leave groups but I’d love to be able to get out of situations like that one without a 30 minute debuff for trying to save my mental health.