3 incoming xpacs of unity and peace

But still people act like the faction conflict is dull and forced? Love the double standard here.

Now Alliance is just gonna look past the Horde’s complicity in Sylvanas’ actions?

Horde will have little to no presence in future xpacs as it appears Alliance NPCs are leading the story from now on?

How much of this game’s identity is the fandom willing to destroy for the sake of their convenience?


All of it. Unironically. Been here since 2006, been playing Warcraft games before that. I’m tired of the faction war, and prefer to play whatever character I want, on any side I want. I like being able to group with anyone to get quick groups in PVE and PVP.

I’m getting old. I don’t have the frothing geek in me to get into the faction war anymore. It drains me. I’m willing to put the past in the past as long as we keep it in the past.


TIL the fans work at Blizzard and write the story. Who knew?

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The only thing Sylvanas did wrong was to wait until Elves evacuated Teldrassil.
And to not have burn Stormwind as well!

The ~good doers alliancers~.

You have literally the founder of the Horde in the new expansion’s cinematic and shown to be one of the 3 main pillars of the next expansion along with Alleria (who wants so bad to go back to Silvermoon, Horde’s capital in Quel’thalas) and Anduin (former king, deserter of the Alliance).


Please, the “fans” are all for this peacecraft like Jhaella is.

I had hoped the fandom would be better than Blizzard but between being okay with forced peace and hand-holding, nonsense race/class combos, and preferring convenience over lore, I’m disappointed. The fandom is no better than Blizzard.

And yet, Wowhead reveals Alleria and Anduin acting in the story. Where is Thrall in all of it?


The only people involved were Sylvanas, Nathanos, and Saurfang. :headstone:

Gazlowe accompanies us during our adventure in the War Within and even a Goblin raid has been rumored indevelopment. :robot::bomb:

Don’t forget that Zul did that, somehow.

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To be fair I would have been involved if it was an option. But I definitely cheered it on from the sidelines. :slight_smile:

Waiting for Anduin to fill his food and water dishes. He’s such a tool now lol.


So what? Blizzard’s IP, Blizzard’s story. Get over it. :yawning_face:


To be honest he just exploited the careless flammable material in Stormwind.
He did them a favor, now they know they shouldn’t let those flammable materials hanging around like that.

cheering on Alpha leaks much uh… careful to not get disappointed little pup.

And what of the soldiers? The guys operating the demolishers that fired on Teldrassil?

The other leaders should’ve intervened about the Ashenvale invasion. Baine, Thalyrrsa, and Mayla especially. But no, they all stayed silent. Their inaction is just as much a compliance as participation.

It’s a storyline that includes characters, not factions.


Ah yes, love the “the only true fans are ones that agree with me” toddler logic.

I’ve played this franchise since Warcraft I and the horde vs alliance narrative is played out and needs to be moved past. It’s not a “core pillar” or whatever you clowns like to claim and has always been a forced dichotomy to use tribalism as a marketing gimmick. It’s long past working.


So Alleria and Anduin aren’t Alliance in your eyes?

The faction conflict is dull because the only storyline Blizzard knows how to write with it is “Horde leader goes crazy and tries to kill everybody”.

That and this is a MMO where we know neither faction is allowed to win because they’re core mechanics, so if the Alliance attacks the Horde over Sylvanas and they flip the script and this time it’s Turalyon who goes crazy and tries to kill everybody then what?

In the next expansion we’re right back where we are now with the Horde going “Are we just gonna let them get away with being complicit?”

Also we do team up so frequently that I’m pretty sure half my characters have a weekly poker game going with some Horde members.

So Alleria and Anduin aren’t Alliance in your eyes?

They’re part of the Alliance but they aren’t the Alliance.

Hell even though the game mechanically spawned me near Stormwind, I don’t even see this Paladin as being a citizen of Stormwind or beholden to Anduin as king and definitely not Alleria.

I serve the great Danath Trollbane of Stromgarde. Draw steel boys.

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I want several gnomes in the coming expansions!

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Alright, get in the jail cell with Nathanos. :robot: :point_right:

The named npcs from the event? They have objectives to perish in Stormsong Valley. :world_map::robot:

They couldn’t even intervene to help Baine. Certain enough of them can overthrow her. :robot:

glances at all of the Alliance and Horde themed merch that Blizz is still selling

Totally. Just doesn’t work at all anymore.

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They’re characters in a storyline. Stop obsessing over factions.

Is Thrall suddenly Alliance? Khadgar? Learn to focus on a story and not a faction obsession.


Why should they? It’s something they like about the game. There’s no reason they need to just adopt the outlook that others have about it.