Hi Neflian,
I believe I might have the guild for you (I’ll post the link to our recruitment post in a moment).
The short of it is:
- Leadership + members have plenty of raiding experience (be it 15/15 vanilla naxx and/or mythic raiding).
- We plan on raiding 3 nights a week, tentatively we are looking at 3 weeknights starting at roughly 8pm EST.
- Our main focus will be raiding and expect our raiders to be prepared and on time (consumables, knowledge of mechanics, etc.)
- We plan on playing as Alliance on Herod though if queues on Herod are absolutely abysmal the first day or two, we will make the switch to Skeram.
If you have any questions, please hit us up. Good luck with your search for a guild.
Contact (add the following in discord):
Guild Master/Main Tank: Shady#9121
Officer: Fungus#1071