3 days suspension. Not fair

Literally never… Ask all those people that got suspended after buying gold. Their toons should be rolled back to where they were after the first run. Rep and all.

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Do they not keep the gold?

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deleted completely.

This wouldn’t have been the first time they cheated. Make them all start at zero.

When consequences for a behavior are nothing people don’t fear getting caught. The weakness in how blizz responds is why people are willing to cheat so easily.

When your entire Bnet is on the line you’ll think twice… those that cheat anyways, and get deleted, are no loss to the world.

According to the one guy I know who bought gold multiple times (dozens of gold purchases since classic vanilla into tbc), but only got caught once. He was able to keep his gold, but he did mail it to another toon prior to the suspension. So maybe Blizz doesn’t remove the gold in general, or doesn’t have the motivation to track down where that gold went to remove it.

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If you are going to cheat in a video game, that just really means you’ll cheat at anything or to put it another way – You have zero ethics and have been raised as trash.

I can’t help but feel that this is a satirical mocking of the people who are actually suspended.

Yes, all those poor hypothetical people who dont exist cause it didnt happen and very likely wont.


Thank you for this thread.


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The OP literally admitted to being suspended. Time to take off the tin foil hat.

OP is a lv.17 alt of a known forum troll. If people were actually being banned, we’d have thousands of posts by now of the outrage.

If you’re gonna be dumb, you’ve gotta be tough.

Where’s the guy that tried to tell me yesterday they wouldn’t suspend anyone? Hahaha.

mmh idk, as much i want people who exploited to get suspended this seems like a bait thread

I had 3 in the guild get pinched during t5 progression. All gold was removed from their toons along with epic flying mounts. Any gold spent or sent to a different account created a “debt” with the AH. Anything they sold was confiscated until the debt was paid.

“I’ll take Things that didnt happen, for 200 Alex.”

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OP is literally a troll baiting people like you … who took hit hook line and sinker

It is kinda sad they wont ban bots for months but you run a heroic more then once and BAM

but still

but it’s your fault that you exploited it not having a lockout.

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Yeps, the 3 day ban is a slap on the wrist “Don’t do that again” ban. Next is 14 days.