3 day early access date?

I was just wondering for the people who did purchase the more costly bundles does their time start on August 23rd which is 3 days before launch? If that is the date does anyone know what time on the 23rd they go live for those people who purchased?

No idea but I took the more expensive version of the game but I don’t have that much interest in playing early. It’s pretty weird since I’m far more “excited” for the d4 expansion than the wow expansion. DF was rough so I hope they get it right this time.

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Launch plans have not been announced yet. Figure closer to pre-patch that we’ll get those.

If memory serves me, something like noon PST and 3pm EST has been the previous launches, but that’s only a guess.

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According to this article “Early access is set to begin August 22 at 3 pm PDT.”

Even better, it says it on the first line of the store page:


Sweet! Hey I was close on my guessing :smiley:


oh nice thanks i missed this somewhere I was looking around but didn’t see either of these pages… Thanks for posting

On a Saturday

The 22nd is a Thursday.