3 classic servers

I’m just bringing up what my friend heard someone suggest what could be done with Classic era:

Start out with a few classic era servers, and have them starting with OG after sometime make a tbc server. Those that want to move to TBC servers can transfer to those servers, those who don’t can stay on the original servers. After the phases in TBC a wrath server can open and if people want to move they can. This way everyone can play whatever version of the game they want. Thoughts?


What would motivate one to go from amazing vanilla to tbc?

Good question, I’m not sure. I would stay in vanilla, but I know there is people who want TBC

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Idk, why were the era servers empty when tbc came out?


So … fresh?

How about those that want to progress stay on these “new” servers and people that want to keep playing the base game transfer to Era?

Lots of people just like doing the progression thing (they’re still there for Cata and beyond) and others followed their guilds.

Following the guild was my reason for playing TBCC even though the original TBC was lackluster IMO, then I went to Wrath C for my guild but should have stopped after Sunwell TBCC because some things about the way TBCC was managed by Blizzard annoyed me a lot, and Wrath Classic was worse.

Plus when you’ve been logged into Classic 2019 for 300 days prior to May 2021 :grimacing: and you’ve done everything you want to due to that, a new thing is ok. I paid the $45 to clone three of my toons and didn’t for one second regret it even when Era was “dead” and I was called a cow on here to be milked for not feeling fleeced by that. I have friends who paid for the clones and came back to Era later on too.

Anyway saying that, no hate on those who love TBC for what it is, hopefully you get this at some point. I’ve always supported a TBC Era server and Wrath Era server, I don’t think they should have the changes either but I wouldn’t play on them so that would be for other people to fight about. Mostly.


Because players had to choose TBC with 99% of their friends and chase “New content” or stay on Vanilla where thigs we’re not so certain.

I simply re-rolled FRESH on Era and played TBC with my guild and friends who nearly all Quit when wrath came out. Wrath hype was there but the game simply doesn’t deliver because its a low quality experience.

TBC has some really fun Raid and dungeon PvE, but the formulaic classes even tho they feel more refined to the untrained player actually lack the interesting nuance and depth of Vanilla.

Seems strange to think of a game with more spells as less to do, but its true.

We the players rebuilt the Vanilla experience, blizzard is here leeching, and thats ok, but we specifically asked for no changes and they keep messing that up.

Oh I saw u on other post and know is no hate so nw.

I can give u my experience here too cause, everyone have different opinions and things that happened so. I played a 2019 vanilla with the wish of playing TBC in the future, and for that didnt clone my char. When TBC move to WOTLK I did the same as u said and move with my guild that I had been part since 2020 for them and expecting . When phase 2 (Ulduar came out) it was so bad for me, so I start fresh on whitemane. This was a little over a year ago cause, yea, vanilla is such a good game and I love it.

My point here is, yea lot of people move and play next expansions to see how is it, some people like it some people not, and If u check the number of players on vanilla and TBC are almos the same during the last phases of vanilla and all TBC phases, while WOTLK had so much more peaks. So no point on the coment I did replied before saying “What would motivate one to go from amazing vanilla to tbc”, when OFC some people like more vanilla, others TBC and WOTLK.

So yea, lot of people go for the progression and do something new, but not easy to keep them all the expansion as TBC did, I think thats why forums and reddit is full of TBC era petitions and when u talk with people on classic era guilds 90% of them loved TBC and agree that except for flying mounts its just like vanilla+, all classes playable and not meme specs, all raids relevant during all the expansion and do not lose the social aspect of the game.

P.D. I did also try cata for 1 month and just quit for full classic vanilla

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I personally loved TBC AND had every intention to keep characters on it in perpetuity, but alas this didn’t happen.

Overall VANILLA is BiS but TBC is a contender, and TBC raids are 20X better, tho I can understand why some prefer Vanilla raids due to them being nerfed speed clear meta.


Yep, it was the same for me with ulduar, except a real life schedule change is what finally made me quit and since I was only there to raid with the guild at that point I was out for good.

Anyway, I mostly replied because people kept doing that “Everyone left for TBC because Vanilla sucked” thing a while back, but yes for sure TBC and Wrath has plenty of fans, and both deserved Era servers of their own. My perspective on TBC the second time is that the raids were fun, I liked the world more than the first time, PVP outside of some wpvp was not my favorite, especially with the FvF BG thing, but I know that for arena fans they were waiting for that.

I can see what you mean too in that you would go from “Classic Era” to a “TBC Era” if you could. So again I hope this happens at some point.

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I would personally like to play on a BC or wrath server. Not as my home, but just because it’s fun to hop around sometimes.

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you’re skirting around saying what many others want:
In addition to a classic era server, people also want a TBC capped server and a wotlk capped server. We stand together.

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This sound strangely familiar…

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