1.) Spell Alert Animations. I remember having all the ui firing off when I used to play in Cata. The add-ons for spell alerts aren’t the same, and more add-ons means more UI bugs.
2.) I shouldn’t be getting killed by friendly guards when I exit a dungeon.
3.) Why do Zeppelins cause you to DC and spawn 40 miles away. I just traveled there and waited for it, it’s frustrating getting on it just to have to travel back and wait again.
The only time I’ve ever experienced this is on the boat to Vash’jir. Every single time I go there on a new toon, it disconnects me.
The Bug I want them to fix though, is the spell alerts. I’ve had to make do with custom Weakauras, which, like you said, aren’t as good. Hopefully Blizz fixes the bugs in this upcoming patch.
We’re also missing the multilayer map selector that was originally added in WotLK. In dungeons like Throne of the tides, if you’re at the first or second boss, you can’t see where a player that just joined is on the map.
From the 3.3.3 patch notes https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_3.3.3#User_Interface
They’re also still using the WotLK Auction House, despite promising “An updated Auction House system arrives to provide a streamlined experience”. You can’t even search for relics unless you enter its exact name, because it still shows non-existent totems, idols, and librams under armor.
Thank for the information on the better than add-on.
And yes, I’ve noticed all of those bugs too especially the map one when in dungeons.
It’s crazy, because Cata was already there how did they make it worse? Lol idk what it takes but I imagine it’s very easy considering all of the hard building from scratch up was done.
also there is a bug that wont let you link spells anymore when pressing shift … was useful for making macros now it just casts the spell your trying to link…very annoying
The guard killing is when you zone in to a neutral zone from a hearth or leaving a dungeon. The bug was reported before release and I have reported it at least 10 times between May and August and it’s still not fixed so I stopped reporting all bugs. They dont give a flying f about cata.
Also standing animation while riding the guild lion mount.