3/9M raiders lf guild!

Hello! Me and my friends are looking for an ally raiding guild here on proudmoore. we are on a52 currently, but will swap here to raid. We are 3/9M exp, aotc H, very limited CoS exp although a few of us have aotc from there. We are looking for an evening raiding guild.

What we have:
mm hunter
ww monk
tank (dh/pala) or enhance
healer - what ever
mage/lock/rog/dk ( willing to play which ever, all 405+)

Rob#1765 add me for any questions

I sent you a friend request. Our team is recruiting for several spots to build a solid mythic team to further progress. Lets chat =)

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders committed to getting CE.

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

TLDR: Our guild actually has need of a Tank and a few DPS/Healer for Mythic progression. Added you on Btag.


Our guild recently transferred to Proudmoore from a low pop server due to lack of available players and recruitment. We are an all adult 1/9M, 9/9H & 2/2H guild looking for more strong players to fill out our Mythic raid team so we can hit the ground running in 8.2 without having to worry about roster or attendance issues.

We are in need of 1 Tank, some DPS/Healer (WW a plus) to help fill out our raid team. Please feel free to contact me in-game or through discord if you are interested in becoming a part of our team! I think we could all benefit from you all joining us.

Some things you should know about our environment:

  • We raid two nights a week: Monday and Thursday.
  • Raid times: 6 pm - 9 pm PST. (7-10 MST)
  • All consumables are provided by the guild bank.

Additionally, as a guild we also like to push M+ keystones. Most all of our guild is over 1k, with several of our members above the 2k mark.

Btag: ArrowMan#1935
Discord: ArrowManXIV#8239

Hey Zaitsev,

If you’re looking for a late-night guild, I feel we’d be a good fit with what you and your friends are looking for. We have a core spot for all of the classes you listed. Check us out and reach out to one of us if you guys are interested:

< Decipher > [A] Proudmoore - 3/9M 9/9H BDA 2/2H CoS is a late-night raiding guild looking for exceptional raiders to continue our Mythic Progression!

Formed during TBC, pushing endgame content has always been our goal. We provide an encouraging raid atmosphere that values performance, consistency, respect and teamwork; so that we can steadily progress towards Cutting Edge.

Raid times:

Tuesday 8:00PM -11PM PST
Wednesday 8:00PM - 11PM PST
Thursday 8:00PM - 11PM PST (Optional)

Recruitment Needs:
Listed in priority from highest to low.
Ranged: Mage and Priest (Shadow)
Melee: WW Monk and DK
Healer: Disc Priest and Resto Shaman
Tank: Warrior or BM Monk

We are always looking for exceptional players. If you don’t see your class up there, but you’re an awesome player, apply anyway.

What we expect:

  • Commitment - Towards your own ability to master your class and spec; to the guild and community we’re going to build together; and to our progression.
  • Reliability & Consistency - We expect you to show up on time and be prepared for raid. 90% raid attendance is required. We understand that real-life happens and expect our raiders to let us know at least 24-hours in advance, if they can’t make a raid.
  • Respect & Accountability - Understand that we want to down bosses and have fun doing it. This isn’t possible if we don’t own up to our own mistakes and fix them as soon as possible. Mistakes are tolerated, but if they’re not fixed quickly, you will be benched until you improve. In this way, we can ensure that we respect our raiders’ time and efforts.

Visit us at decipherguild(.)wixsite(.)com/proudmoore, and fill out an application:


Or feel free to reach out to one of our Officers to apply directly:

  • Atrociti#1141(Ops)
  • Churnobul#1806 (Logs & Strategy)
  • Jamzed#1585 (Recruitment)
  • Rpg#1215 (Recruitment)

Hey Zaitsev,

I’ve added you on Bnet. We are a 3/9 Mythic guild currently recruiting on Proudmoore would love to chat with ya!