Hello there Kil’Jaeden!
We are a group of returning high level raiders, who are taking a more casual approach this time around by raiding on a 2 day schedule. We are looking for like minded players who want to down mythic content, in a quick less stressful manner. Our raid times are Fri-Sat 9-12 EST.
Progress: 8/8H 3/8M
Recruitment Needs:
Tank: Closed
Melee: Open excluding Demon Hunters
Ranged: Open
If your role is not listed above feel free to contact us anyway.
What you’ll be signing up for:
You will be part of a guild who values the fun the game offers, over everything else. We value our friendships, and the fun we have while raiding. Do not let our laid back attitude dissuade you, as we still value progressing, and moving forward in raid tiers.
You will also have the opportunity to be a part of a community that extends outside of raid times, including arena, bgs, mythic+ and other games (such as Overwatch and League of Legends).
If you would like to be a part of our community contact us on our thread or hit up one of us below!
Drunkndonut: Recruitment Officer
Bullstizz: GM
Myostatin: Officer