Raid times are Wed & Sun from 7-10pm PST
We also have an open Heroic raid on Tues 7-10pm PST for more casual players that want to experience heroic raid content (350 ilvl req).
Feel free to in game mail me or add me on discord Mal#9192
-Mal (GM)
Hi Prestigè, we are looking for a priest and/or druid. Disc/Holy is perfect! Mally#11210 is my bnet and Mal#9192 is discord. Please feel free to add me so we can chat more!
we’ve had some unfortunate circumstances which have lead to roster problems, but going forward into 8.1 we are going to be returning to being a Cutting Edge caliber group, so anyone that is interested plan to put in some work in the next raid so we can make that possible.
I have a group of three that are interested in your raid schedule and progression. We’re all pretty good players who want to push a bit more content. We are a Shadow Priest, War/DH, Prot/Holy Pally.
I’m planning on playing DH for the next patch but was a warrior for this raid but am willing to flex on either character-
Names Are Mirmeer, Pairates, Mononogu all on the Kiljaeden server if you wanted to check our raider IO or prior 8.0 logs.
We’re all about 1200 IO too and do a lot of M+ to help gear us out for progression as well. Most of our parses are purple to gold. Please let us know if you would have any room for the upcoming raid for us three to join.