3/8M CE raider (9/9M) LF new home

Hello everyone, as it says I’m seeking a new home to raid with. With the release of BFA as well as Classic most of my friends have quit or decided to play more casually. With that being said, I’m still very much interested in mythic raiding; down below is a list of classes/specs I enjoy the most and I’m willing to play. Some are further behind then others however gearing or grinding for essences as well as neck level isn’t an issue for me.

I’d prefer to raid two - three days a week starting at 6pm PST (9pm EST) or later.
If you’d like to get in contact with me to see my logs or to chat about your guild please leave your information below or contact me via discord.

Classes / Neck Levels / Progression / Item Level / Specializations

Spec(s): Holy > Ret > Prot
Neck: 65
Item level: 433 - 445 ( Depending on Spec )
Alts: Fire/Frost mage - Boomy/Resto/Bear - Fury/Arms/Prot - Shadow/Holy Priest.
Necks: 55-59 ( Depending on class/spec )
Ilvl: 415 - 430 ( Depending on class/spec)

Precordium Pumpers 8/8H 4/8M BoD: Cutting Edge transfer guild recruiting highly skilled raiders that want to push content on a 2 day- 8 hour schedule. Times: Tues/Wed 9-1 ST. Add Vendixon#11942 or myself Baldy#11109 for info!


We’d love to chat further with you! Can you please add me on discord or btag?

Grimcharm - Grimcharm#1383 (Discord - Grimcharm#0924)

If you’d like to know more about us - here is a link to our recruitment post: