2's- Could use some help as Priest/Warr

Hello everyone, my buddy and I just started to get into arenas. We are currently playing Disc/Arms in 2’s but are having some trouble with any Rogue, Mage, Pally or UnH DK teams. Does anyone have any advice with what talents we should be running as this comp? Also, would me playing Holy or him playing Fury give us a better chance against most teams? I also find myself running oom pretty quickly as disc.

Thank you to anyone who has any input for us!

I think when going against Mage/Rogue you’ll just have to survive as long as possible and let your warrior do the DPS and run them down.

I run ToF, Ultimate Radiance, Divine Star(if you really want to), Dome, and arch angel. Make sure you’re using Conflict as major in if they decide to CC u and go warrior so you can break sheeps - only thing you should really be trinketing is blind if they go warrior, or trinket kidneys when they’re going to be deadly.

Save PS for Vendetta.

Warrior should most likely go on Mage to prevent Gpie’s unless he’s a god and can reflect the Gpies and kill the rogue in one go.

Also - I realize that Azerite Traits are more important than iLvl. I was hard stuck 1700s with higher ilvl 462, but I decided to dumb myself down to 456 ilvl with the proper azerite traits and saw a dramatic difference in survivability.

Against DK it really depends on how good your warrior is at killing healers. Then you guys have pretty good go target, but i’d say if you want to survive a DK, you’ll have to get good at juking their interrupts (2 times) and using Shackle Undead (cant stress this enough) use it when they use abomination.

Other than that - just trade CD’s accordingly.

Some other people even posted on forum saying to use Purified resolve so they cant stack as much necrotic strikes on you.

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Also side note for those who didnt know - you can shackle a DK when they use lichborne.

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Warr/Disc isn’t great. The warrior has virtually no peel for you. The best way to play with a warrior is to stay close to him if you’re being trained. If it’s double dps the warrior can just go mongo cleave. Whenever I heal warriors in 2s I tell them to always start on the DPS. Priests are the least mobile healer and I just hate it when my DPS just runs into the enemy healer without even trying to stop the enemy dps from getting to me.

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Thank you both of you for your input, definitely really helpful!

Edit: Also how important is race as disc priest for arenas?

Eh, classes are so pruned and rotations are so simple that race won’t give you an edge outside of maybe Human which will allow you to run perma relentless. There’s always small niches in pvp where you’ll find an advantage to your racial - you just gotta play more.

besides duel warbanner stormbolt fear disarm and a truckload of counterpressure of course, and hard to control with bladestorm and reflect

not saying that arms/disc would be any good but saying warriors cant peel is a bit disingenuous and just perpetuates this warrior victimhood mentality

fear already DRs with psychich scream and it’s a huge cooldown for a warrior

reflect isn’t peel

if I as a healer force the warrior to stormbolt his focus target non-stop he’ll never get a kill on his kill target

what victimhood mentality? I just said it was a weak comp

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no, you said warriors cant peel which simply isnt true
that arms/disc isnt a good comp is a separate thing I probably agree on

I was also for some reason under the impression that the problem mostly was with mage/rogue teams, but regardless warriors have a pretty good kit to assist their healer and sub 2k the comp matters relatively little anyway

Warrior/Priest sucks. Warrior’s peels do suck though

Duel is amazing in 2s to help with peels. Other than that just disarm for melee and war banner for move speed/reduced cc. I would think cc’ing healer and killing warrior would be the strat in 2s no?

this dude got his dick so erect over semantics

warrior priest is a WEAK arena composition becuase the priest has virtually zero self-peels and the warrior has to sacrifice uptime - a lot of it - to try and peel at all.


Appreciate all of the replies, would playing holy help this comp in any way at all? I understand it’s a weak comp but we were only hoping to push to 1800 ish if possible.

not semantics, you said something stupid, dont blame me for being dumb

my broader point being that arms has tools to help out the disc and at sub 2k using those tools properly is more important than the comp itself, you shouldnt be blaming the comp

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You also wrote above about warrior with duel disarm banner and reflect as if its even possible to have all 4…

I get that the warrior class doesnt attract the brightest people but man you’re making it really painful

complains that warrior has no utility

lists a bunch of warrior utility

complains about too much utility

in what world is being completely freaking wrong a matter of semantics lmao

I never complained about warrior in any way. Just saw you post that the priest said something stupid while you also implied that warriors can take 4 honor talents and none of them be sharpen. Its ok that a class is somewhat good against destro man