2s are plagued with these classes:

premed being a passive that auto applies snd for 9 seconds whenever u press shadowstrike is so braindead


I mean using a subjective YouTube video should not be used as evidence. That’s clearly an individuals opinion whether some are true or not.

It also has nothing to do with a class being OP or not.

Also @ OP. It’s prepatch. How is this so hard to comprehend. It’s not even remotely meant to be balanced. Blizz made it clear they are focusing on the beta and the expansion release.

This is temporary. It will pass. We will survive lol

Most of these problems get amplified at 60, believe it or not.

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I was gonna say the only spec j dont see any of is enhanced shaman. Everything else pretty common. And demo lock

Not entirely what I’ve heard. But I would be ignorant to say there aren’t OP and broken classes on beta right now.

But again we’re talking about prepatch…beta… and also blizz who left warlocks alone for over a year.

It’s just way too early to tell. The nerf hammer will fall on some of these classes. It’s just a matter of time. Prepatch will likely see changes last though.

I see a bunch of spriest too.

Until they heavily redesign how CC works, rogues and mages will always plague 2’s. Its stupid easy for rogues to get out of combat and stealth and the DR on sap is a joke (DR in this game for stuns in general are a joke actually. 2 stuns should be the max and immunity should kick in after that).

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but its been this way since forever.

I’m fairly sure dks (atleast unholy) arent bad right now either… it’s probably a player issue just need to get use to how fast paced pre patch is if you’re going to pvp.

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The same way you got it before mythics, raid anything lol.

Your stats are also pretty bad tbh. I’m pretty sure you want more haste and versa.

DKs absolutely pop off atm.

I’m probably gonna catch smoke for saying this, but thats exactly why so many BFA rank 1s and Glads are losing rating right now lol.


10 chars

god i would love for them to somehow change things up to where rogue and mage wouldn’t synergize so well, whether that’s changing DR, or what, idk. since the beginning these 2 classes together have been S tier.


I’ve been saying for the longest time that DR needs to separated into only two categories–full and partial loss of control.

Full: Stuns, Fears, Polymorphs, Blinds, Incapacitates

Partial: Silence, Disarm, Root

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ROgues and druids DESTROY even when they open in my partners…i just run with monk…he was exploded

Unholy Dks can do that too, it’s actually p fun heheh

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It’s true tho the games pacing now is night and day different. You’ve either got to adapt or keep getting globaled…


Nothing screams “BFA Glad” quite like a Corrupted Proto Drake sitting at 2100 CR this week

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Lmao they are all lost without their gushing wounds and 300% haste. Ya hate to see it… I’m not even playing mm and I’m having a lot of fun in pre patch. Not that survival is bad or anything but it’s not 100-0 outta stealth like mm Haha.

Only good thing to come out of skillcapped videos were pre-established video makers doing their own thing and slapping the skill capped promo on it IMO.

Maybe their paid content was worthwhile. I have no idea. The only video I’ve ever watched on their website was Neilyo’s free Rogue vs Rogue cata video. /stopattack on Combat Readiness is the only thing I remember from it.