*2nd Update 8/8/19* Classic wow - BG Forum Fam

You should consider a career in Marketing.

I actually wear the marketing hat at my job lol.

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Does it say ā€œEat At Joesā€?

It says ā€œfree wolf meatā€ but we have 8-9 tip jars on tables by themselves that people have to walk around.

They also tend to keep way better faction balance.

They have some good wpvp events and city raids, etc. too, and a little ā€œRP liteā€ never hurt anybody eitherā€¦ donā€™t need a full backstory, etc. Just a good old ā€œdie horde filth!ā€ when you smash one is still technically role playing. :laughing:

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o_o ā€¦ inches towards the door


Hi method Josh


How many rules would Posers as a guild name break?

  • RP noob
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The count down is going slower and slower. If anyones horde on fael realm HMU

A watched pot never boils.

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Reported for trolling, disagreeing and repeatedly hiding your avatarā€™s eyes for months.

EDIT: Actually, I canā€™t report for disagreeing. This isnā€™t vanilla.

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Iā€™ve reserved two names on Grob. Are you lot still set on going Alliance?

Yes sir! What class are you rolling?

Oh nooo. Guess Iā€™ll be seeing you on the battlefield!

I wasnā€™t sure. Thinking of my repeating my initial druid/warlock duo from vanilla.

But Iā€™m tempted by rogue/sham/hunter too

You swap to ally rn. Remake that pally

Iā€™m looking at horde tooā€¦ Undead priest of orc hunterā€¦

See you guys on the battlefield. Or the log in queā€¦ :joy:

When we meet on the battlefield it will be the ultimate battle of the minds

I actually my very first druid was NE. Hmmā€¦ tempting.