Nah its been doa from start repubs start talking deficit they mean rich folks dont need it so no. Also one of them went on in interview claiming that people who got it and had a job/income would just waste it.
I might be getting bad information lol. From what I had read most Republicans were against the higher amount and were only going to okay more if there were restrictions in place that wouldn’t just give the money out to everybody but had requirements. But it might just be Mitch McConnell that dude really drives me nuts sometimes. I can’t stand wishy-washy politicians
Yeah probably do something with it again this time. I’ve been stacking up on canned goods just in case this covid stuff blew up again so if it ends up being okay we’re going to donate all of that to food pantries anyways.
They should put limitations on what you can do with the free money. Rent / mortgage and groceries imo. With limitations, I think they should go with the $2000. Without… it will be spent on non-essentials while rent goes unpaid since landlords can’t evict for non-payment.
Nah you got bulk repubs are against giving money to anyone not a mill/billionaire recent interviews to boot claiming people would just waste it. The ones all of a sudden saying they are for are just doing so to keep senate they will go back to “deficit worries” after its done in GA.
Well you got to understand that most of the people that I know don’t need another stimulus but they will take it anyways. So I can understand why the Republicans would want to make sure that people actually need it before sending out thousands of dollars to each household lol. I honestly don’t know a single person that actually needs the money. so if anybody I know gets it and keeps it they’re just doing it because somebody handed it to them. We do need to have a little more restrictive spending are great great great grandchildren are already going to be having to deal with all this debt that’s piling up