2k+ ques on Whitemane

classic moving way too fast. Already unsubbed and going back to private server. Will check back in maybe when BC servers are released. Was expecting 6 months to a year between phases.

Blizzard didn’t force you to stay on Whitemane. They released limited realms at first, sure. But then they offered several new realms on Launch day and have offered transfers for over a month now. In addition to that, you were warned that layering would be removed by phase two. It’s then your fault for not reacting to the several warnings Blizzard gave you. Calling Thirstybeta a kid when he’s calling you out on your crap shows who the kid really is.

Really? You think they just randomly did this for some arbitrary reason? Have you ever considered another perspective than your own? How’s that tunnel vision, kid?

First of all, Blizzard doesn’t need your $15 a month. If you unsubbed tomorrow, they wouldn’t even notice you had left.
Second, you can get the game your paying for on a different server … Oh I dunno…maybe one of the servers Blizzard has recommended a dozen times to you so you can avoid queues.

@$$ hole certified

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Bro just use a remote desktop to log yourself in ahead of time. I’m on Whitemane as well and almost never had to wait in queue even during the massive ones during the first few weeks. Luckily my job allows me to be home before prime time.

6 months to a year of mc and ony only? Yeah right.

You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.

You can? You have free transfers at your disposal. Blizzard is helping you. And no, they didn’t cause the problem. The selfish fools who stayed on the server hoping everyone else would transfer, caused the problem… including you.


You should be grateful you ever even had layering at launch.

Most purists didn’t want it at all, but some of us recognized it as a TEMPORARY and necessary evil to have stable populations once all the tourists departed…

Now then, as to your whining… You’ve known since before launch that the game was only going to be layered for a short while and ultimately layering was going to be removed. You’ve had near constant transfers off whitemane available to take, or the option to just reroll early on. You have absolutely no one to blame right now but yourself.

That all said, more people will leave and the queus will lighten as more tourists quit, or randoms like yourself get fed up with it enough to do something more productive than have a good forum cry. As a Whitemane Horde myself, I’m frankly expecting a pretty significant Exodus of Alliance off the server once the Honor farming kicks into gear, because Horde have a statistically small, but still VERY noticeable numbers advantage in basically every WPvP scenario I’ve seen, and I don’t think Alliance are going to be as enthusiastic about getting rolled over constantly.

^^^love this… create your own problem by not listening when blizz has been saying for a month this had to happen before they turned on Honor gains…and then call the people who did listen names when they try to give you your ONLY option…

wait in line… or transfer…

because layering is not coming back no matter how much you cry about it

At least he can play on his server

Can you at least acknowledge the fact that you were warned about this and all your friends could have went elsewhere day 1? Or is this obviously a troll that I am missing?

Never your fault, eh?

The problem I see is that these realms with no queues could be dead in 6 months and now you are stuck in a dead server with a character you have invested hours and hours into.

This thread is going places.

This entire post is bullzhit. You knew what was coming, you gambled that enough people would quit/transfer so you could play on a max pop server. Your gamble did not pay off, you lost, suck it up and keep waiting in queues or quit.

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Thirsty beta lmaoooooooo

Lanius I understand where you are coming from, but is this something you didn’t anticipate from the beginning? I mean week one we were all sitting in 10,000 queues. Layering was always described as being temporary as far as I know.

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i xfered from whitemane to earthfury. Couldnt be happier

If you are going to take one for the team, be quiet about it.

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yes , yes you did

for months they have said move or you will get que once layering is removed, you should have moved while they had it free.
I understand the want to stay where you started… so did i. But opening days the guild made a decision and we all moved… twice. Im glad i did, on a much better server with closer horde vs alliance pop.

Imagine crying about 2k queues.

I took the transfer off Whitemane when the queues were sitting at 8k with expanded layering, i would have gladly stayed if there were only 2k queues.

Imagine not expecting to face a queue when WPVP releases. The blue post says very clearly they anticipate larger than average queues and then specifically lists Whitemane.

The sense of entitlement some players have is astounding.