2H warrior Tank or 1H + Shield

Looking for advice because most people in game say go 2H tanking up until about level 40 and then you can go sword and board. I have seen a few people crying on the forums about tanks in wc tanking with a 2 hander but are they just misinformed and looking to whine about something?

Trying to get a concise answer here as to I’m about to start tanking dungeons as a form of leveling as a warrior.


Im interested in the answer to this as well.

I went 1H and shield. First 10 points in arms so I can keep rage when switching stances. Will go Prot the rest of the way.

I’ve seen people tank with 2handers in RFC, but I wouldn’t try it past that point. You need a really attentive healer if you are going to try 2H tanking. Also shield block + revenge is good way to hold threat.

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I did SFK 2-3 times, RFK about 4 times, SM GY and LIB about 5-6 times each and most of those were with a 2h warrior tank or full melee cleave group

never had any wipes unless we pulled a whole room by accident

2H is easier to keep aggro since you doing more damage, but you also take more damage and can make it harder for the healer.

I just have a 1h/shield set that I keep in my bags when I tank.

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If you know what you’re doing, then do whatever. However, you can’t go wrong going s/s for tanking. Ever.

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Carry both with you and keep them skilled up. Most of the time just stick with your 2h for rage reasons. If you find yourself taking too much damage, use your shield + 1h.

1.12 is after a bunch of nerfs to Warrior rage generation, and Blizzard didn’t really care about low level. So, it kinda sucks badly till much later if you are using a 1h.

Be flexible. Bring both your 2hander and a 1hander with a shield. Talk to your healer. If you are getting trucked and the healer drinks every pull, board up. If the healer has no issue, go 2hander for the extra rage. For hard hitting bosses put on the shield.

I see a lot of warriors claiming they can’t keep aggro without a 2hander but you get more revenge procs with a shield on and shout spam for AOE threat works the same no matter the weapon so I am not sure what the issue is there…

Also aggro is everyone’s problem, not just the tank. If DPS epeen numbers are the issue find new DPS imo.

Rage is a resource to be managed like mana or energy in classic. I wish more warriors understood that.

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This. I run with a guy who tanks with us using a 1h/shield. So much nicer to keep him alive. Ran with a random tank when he wasn’t on, and the guy was using a 2h. Constantly having to keep him alive, and he ended up wiping us at one point because the boss at the end hit him way too hard. Had to get creative to take the boss down after he bailed on us after 1 death lol.


Honestly, just go sword and board. It’s what you’re going to do endgame, it’s what healers generally prefer, may as well get used to it.


You generate much less rage with a shield, that’s the issue. You can’t spam shouts if you have no rage. Basically you need to change weapons depending on how hard you’re getting hit, if you’re not getting hit hard you won’t be able to hold aggro with a shield.

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I don’t remember, can you swap weapons in combat at this point? Was that a one time thing earlier in Vanilla, that was then removed later in Vanilla? Later in BC? Or “shut up Piddy, they never let you do that”

You can swap in combat.

As far as I know, you always could, and still can in retail. You cannot change armor in combat, but weapons were always swappable.

You incur a global cooldown for doing it, but it can be worth it sometimes.

Ok, I’m sure I conflated the two somehow over the years. I’ve never had a need, so it never popped up in normal play for me.

I went with sword and shield for the entire time tanking but also didn’t even know 2h tanking was a thing lol.


Wait till you hear about bare-chested, pantsless tanking.

Yes that is an actual thing brought on by Blizzard’s repeated rage nerfs. Warriors who got geared up got to the point where we couldn’t get enough rage to easily tank 5 mans anymore. Many of us started taking off armor and using a 2h to fix that lol.


Better off bringing a sword and a shield. You wont be able to tank some of the higher level dungeons.
This is the spec I am going on my war, Fury prot. So at 60 I can stay this spec until I get BIS for raid and than switch over to prot fully.
https: //classic. wowhead .com/talent-calc/warrior/-55000114305010051-502301135

or you can try this spec

https: //classic. wowhead. com/talent-calc/warrior/033050213524100011–502301135

sorry still not able to post links which sucks.

2h Tanking is great, but takes so much damage, so you have to be careful on pulls. I think many warriors watch streams and think they can handle a bunch, but don’t realize the healer can’t output the damage taken.

1h tanking + shield is standard as it was the status quo. The problem is that everyone AoE’s everything, so you can’t easily hold aggro if you don’t get the initial pull. Since you’re not generating enough rage, you can’t easily hold all mobs.

I think the 2h Tanking is only nice because this group of players wants to AoE all dungeons, and 1h + shield doesn’t work well for it.

Both can work but it really depends on the skill level and dungeon knowledge and group make up. Bring both options and a create weapon swap macro.
Have a plan?
2 mobs or less = 2h’er
3 mobs or more = 1h & shield
Boss = 1h & shield