2H frost. and its gone

I forgot ALL ABOUT heirlooms! Yeah! That is a 100000% non issue!

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Thats what they were talking about. Legion. “artifact weapons in Legion” “artifact weapons have no abilities now”, “actually legion is a interesting point - how does Legion content work now?” and on and on and on.

This is why its important to follow the conversation than to just follow me around, try to pick something that I said, and think “GOTCHA!” and post something.

Heirlooms solve the issue tho? So it is a gotcha?


I already mentioned Heirlooms. I mentioned people dont have to go there to level at all. It sounds like you can just go to Wrath and level from 1-50 if you want too. There is no start in vanilla, then go to TBC, and then go to Wrath, then cata and so on. Just go where you want and start. At least thats their plan.

Again, its important to follow the conversation. In post 156 I mentioned heirlooms and that if people want to level through Legion, since how they explained leveling, people will have to deal with the system of that expansion.

There wasnt an issue. People dont read or listen and then go off on these wild fantasies that have already been addressed, or are rooted in nothing substantial. Like the fire dk spec for example. Bolvar had a fire look to him and people ran with it. While its fine to explore an idea, dont talk like it is going to or should happen.

Yeah after you put a lie at the beginning of your post, lying about a problem that doesn’t exist so you can pretend that Two Handers do not work. Then you add the solution later on in your (typically) sixteen mile long word wall as if you weren’t lying when you factually were.

This is a lie. It is a straight fabrication. It is completely, factually, 100000000% wrong. It is incorrect. You acknowledge that you’re wrong. That nothing about this is right. You acknowledge that you’re incorrect.

But you posted it anyway, because your lies are the only arguments you can make in order to dissuade two handed use.


still bugs me Frost is locked out of legos of the past that w can weild 100% except the warp slicer from the eye but thats a temp weapon.

i tried alot before 2h went away building Shadowmorn and now i gotta be unholy to complete it.

Frost needs a lego that does the Dw nature that its forced to use now.

not gonna happen with crapavision the way it is


I think you took what they said out of context. If people wanted to use a 2H and not heirlooms, then they would either not have a weapon drop for all of Legion, or the loot table would have to be changed.

But honestly, the back and forth between you is rather outside the whole conversation. We all want the game to be great and we all have different ideas how that could be.

This is demonstrably false. But I’m going to leave it at that.

Call me basic, but I felt like Slayer of the Lifeless should have been a legendary only usable by DK. There was a lot of mouthing off by the devs about wanting Frost to be “unique” by forcing it to fight with dental instruments, but literally every class can use the DK-themed weapon drops. It’s insulting when I see Mistweaver Monks and Mages using Slayer of the Lifeless.

Wait, no people do have different ideas of how it could be. Its been shown over and over, its just YOU dont like those other options because they arent yours and you didnt think of it. Thats really all there is to it.

Sorry, for your sake: “many of us have ideas about how the game could be better and they may not be the same”

But what I was really trying to say was that the conversation is better when we don’t go looking for arguments to have.