2H frost. and its gone

warlock, mages, and priests can lol


Those are casters. Warlocks Mages and Priests don’t tank. And healing gear on a Priest is not the same used for dps, not even close. All 3 mage specs require different stats also.

Unholy, the REAL Deathknight spec, is still using a 2 hander. Feels good.

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lol @ the ppl who are thinking that this news is going to stop DKs from continuing to ask for 2H Frost back.


Yet for 12 years before that classes could use all their weapons. It is perfectly understandable in Legion that weapons were separate as they made the artifacts. Now that we are past Legion, there is no reason for classes to not be able to use all their weapons. The only thing that is stopping it is arbitrary weapon restrictions on abilities, missing passives, and staves not having switching agility/intellect (monks and druids would be able to use the same weapon for all specs if this were the case if Fists of Fury would lose it’s arbitrary 1H weapon restriction).

Also, both Demon Hunter specs use the same weapons.

This is completely beside the point. It has also been in the game since the beginning.


In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t the beginning anymore. If you want the beginning, there’s a server for that. Have fun on Classic where each spec has at most, 2 specs that are viable outside of leveling.

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I was referring to vanilla through Warlords, not Classic. It is true that there are very few viable specs in Classic, but what about Mists of Pandaria or Wrath of the Lich King? I have heard that in Wrath Blood could DPS and Frost could tank. I certainly remember plenty of specs being viable during MoP.


In Mists and Wrath Death Knights could literally kill half a raid group solo. You also played 2H Frost for PvP only, as Frost was absolutely useless in PvE after the first tier of raiding. Wrath DKs were too hard to balance. Having 3 specs that can tank and dps wasn’t worth Blizzards time, even if it should have been, and again, in Wrath, you could kill level 80’s as a level 65 DK. They weren’t even close to balanced.

Blood is the tank.

Unholy is the 2H cleaving badass.

Frost is basically a mage at this point.

That’s a an incorrect and dumb argument. Next.


Almost everything in this entire post is a lie or extremely exagerated.


There wasnt really a reason to play 2h in pvp back in wrath unless you had Shadowmourne, otherwise DW and 2h had roughly the same damage numbers but DW had a lot more going for it.

Blizzard couldnt handle the 3 tank specs and 3 dps specs since if you did one change to tank frost it would have an impact on dps frost and the same with blood and unholy. Unholy was probably the best solo spec for dungeons since you had a pet that would take some mechanics instead of you. Like in the Pit of Saron for example. The skeletons in there with the shovels will stun other players or pets unless there is none alive, going unholy meant that your pet would receive the stun each and every time.

Taking out half a raid group though? Maybe in Wintergrasp and you had the buff from being outnumbered.

Frost was still good even into ICC. People would look at sims and all that all the time, but if you cant actually play something then its like trying to swing a sledge hammer when you can barely lift it. I could play frost to a relatively good degree, not the best but always in the top 5 in the raid unless I joined a group that had better players, or I was tanking.

Now, however, they at least tried to focus on what the specs do, or at least in their minds, what they should do. It seems like they just had a general overview of the specs and ran with it, ignoring lore, ignoring how the specs were, gutted them while keeping a general focus. Blood dealt with healing and physical damage, unholy was diseases and pets, and frost was frost damage and DW. That is really the extent that Blizzard went, not looking through the talents or abilities to get the core of what these specs were. Blood, for the most part, was physical damage, rune weapon and healing, frost was more along the lines of a frozen berserker, unholy spread diseases and raised the dead along with some group support with unholy frenzy. Granted these are the very basics of what the specs were, it still does a little better than what Blizzard is doing lately.

They have been pumping the brakes on DK class design for a long time and I dont really think 2h is anywhere near a top priority. If 2h coming back is the extent of the problems you have with the class, then you have it pretty good.

Well at least you know why Bolvar lost then.

He should of switched spec to unholy.

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Agree to disagree. I prefer 2h on frost to be able to look like a mega badass like Arthas


nah…just laziness. Just formulate an equation in excel and twink it whenever. Make the two (DW/2H) damage done a relatively close as a baseline. BANG…no sweat.

To remove half a spec b/c of laziness is just bad.


There wouldnt need to be much done to actually bring it in unless Blizzard has their own reasons for not doing other than “you should know what someone is at a glance”

All that 2h would really need at this point is a 2h runeforge that combines Fallen Crusader and Razorice. I mean the damage is so close that a weapon upgrade might force you to switch right then and there type of close. The difference between DW obliterate and 2h obliterate with 266 weapons is 15 damage. I spent the gold to check it. 2h missing out on the 15% frost damage increase is absolutely HUGE since the vast majority of the kit is frost damage.

Anyone who expected the spec in 8.3 was on crack - what it does is set up more possible options.

Not sure if it was noticed - but the allied race DKs are being advertised as “early access” which means there is likely some work going on to DKs in a major way based on the fact the game offers 4 2 handers.


It’s just as likely that they are just skins. If they thInk allied races are going to get people to play and stick with a class then they don’t understand how important gameplay is.

I disagree - somewhat. I think it depends on what component your talking about when you say gameplay - I mean many of the allied races tend to make better tanks for example.

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I mean actual gameplay. That’s what gameplay is.

You use something to define itself.
Gameplay -

  1. the tactical aspects of a video game, such as its plot and the way it is played, as distinct from the graphics and sound effects.

So for example - mashing Obliterate or spamming frost-strike; or the tactical decision to select a character to tank that gets healed everytime they are hit or simply takes less damage from every attack. Two different aspects of game-play but only 1 really cares about allied race - while the other effects everyone.