Give us two handers on shaman a la frost dk/fury warrior/monk. Two hand enhancement shaman was a fan favorite in SoD. Time to bring it to retail.
If not enhancement then let us transmog two handers over staffs in elemental spec.
Simply put shamans should be able to mog sulfuras.
A slow 2H would be bad for our dps though. Our maelstrom generation is based on weapon hits. So a single 2H at 3.6 speed is going to give us significantly less maelstrom than 2 weapons at 2.6 speed.
Unless they drastically increase the proc chance of windfury, and jack up it’s damage, and change it back to melee hits rather than a static damage, then it just wouldn’t work the same as it did back in Classic/TBC.
You can. Today. Go get yourself an agility staff and mog your legendary. You just won’t be able to do much damage.
At this point die hard Shamans just want the cosmetic option. Blizz has already proved they can do it with Legion Artifacts weapons.
The irony is 2h was never any good, it’s always just rose-colored glasses. You’d run around for 5 minutes slowly whittling away until the gods smiled on you, and you got otherworldly burst for 10 seconds. People remember the montages but conveniently forget the amount of dead time edited out where you got zero procs.
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Not sure I would consider the people wanting 2h the die hards.
And I think they should have given us that option back in BFA when they realized they could do it in Legion.
I’m sure they could figure out a way to make the animations aesthetic only while still keeping the gameplay we have now.
But allowing our abilities to work with a 2H and calling it a day would drastically impact our damage. They would need to completely rework the spec in order to make it work, and I’m not down for that.