299 BDK and 299 Warr LFG until DF

Me and a friend are both in search of a Mythic prog guild until DF. Our guild went on a break and we’re looking to keep going with mythic progression.

We are both mainly looking for a guild that will raid on weekends in the evenings

He is a 299 Arms / Fury warrior(2575 IO) and I am a 299 Blood DK, 2655 IO (can also play frost DK if needed), we’ve both fully cleared all of the fated raids on Heroic and have a couple kills in mythic in each raid as well.

My Discord is Yikes#6303
Bnet - Yikerrz#1669

Icecrown [H] - Recruiting for DF! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com) look into us

Yooooooo adds a mediocre shaman healer to that list. I have an io and logs and stuff too!