298 DPS DK LF CE Guild

Returning from small break from game LF CE Guild for DF would prefer a Horde guild but would concider Alliance. Before break did 9/10 M CN and 6/11M SoD on monk before guild died and i took a break from the game.

Have multiple CE’s From Multiple Xpacs (Most of them on my warrior name nerdragin on Proudmoore) I know my stuff about classes, can play other classes if willing to help me gear them. Will do research on fights/if I’m underperforming look up what I’m doing wrong to improve. Will Bring Food, Flask, Pots, Ect to raid. Prefer a guid that has been around a few tiers at the minimum thanks! :smirk:

Prefer a guild that raids no more than 2-4 Days a week. 8-16 hours a week.

Can raid Any Day 9:00PM EST - 3AM EST.

If interested add my below contact info thanks!

Real ID: nerdragin#1825

Discord: nerdragin25#2547