the .95 was pantheon hitting soft enrage because hard hitters don’t seem to attend thursday as much. was upper half damage lil better than normal survival with half the pulls but melee get treated dirty. sitting was not on a rotation and tonight was going to possibly be 3rd in 2 weeks and I even take time off from other games to schedule around this sort of stuff. I missed a shield early on into a pull my 1 night for the boss and apparently that was the sitting excuse, tho like I said half the pulls because I was 7 minutes early not 15 minutes early the night before, been showing up 20 min early and still being treated like crap so here I am.
discord mew#9555
still looking, posted late at night
Hey there! Good luck on your search! We are taking a break after next week till season 4 but still looking for 1-2 more possible raiders! So close to consistent 20:)
I am the GM/ RL of The Alliance guild, Exclusive Outcasts (EO) on Kel’thuzad. We are an AOTC/Casual mythic prog guild! This guild is over 5 years old, collecting every AOTC all the way back to Uldir! With casual mythic prog along the way, but I feel like we got something special going on here!
As of right now we are 11/11 Heroic and 4/11. Pantheon Progress started! (Xymox and sausage dead) We raid Wed/thursday 7-10 server. (9-12 eastern for reference) Days can be changed, normally a Tuesday to fit schedules. BUT! This is always communicated! We are looking for potential mythic raiders, along with heroic raiders! The dream would be a mythic team and a heroic team
I have my regulars; I have my new people. But sometimes people just need to take a break from the game which I totally understand. SO here I am recruiting once again! I am looking for competitive people willing to stick around and grow as a team. This guild will be alive and well going into Dragonflight Competition is healthy! As of right now new recruits will have a fair chance at the top 20 raid roster. We are paying attention to our team to see who’s doing well and who’s struggling. Rosters are never set in stone and changes can be made! People who know their class, put in the time, and contribute to the raid team will always be competition for spots.
Looking for a potential SOLID mythic tank and a RDPS/MDPS! Healers we have an abundance of, but we could make things work. Honestly anyone has a shot! Mdps, RDPS. Casuals, fillers, ANYTHING! More people the better. Never know when we need back ups
We have multiple members able to push higher keys. (20+). We run 15+ keys nightly. If you need a key, just ask!! we also have been running some RBGS recently and it’s been a blast. People are also running 2s and 3s :). Mount runs and achievement runs are planned and completed when brought up! We are in discord nightly having a good time! Excited for you to join us!
Contact me at my battle net/Discord or just comment on the post
Ty - Naughty#3575
Hey! My guild is recruiting! Currently 4/11M, 2% wipe on Pantheon, would love to talk about trialling you for our raid team! Add my discord for more info! Shadowfange#9160 Thanks!
added you.
hmm guilds bump theirs so I guess I can too (mostly a last check for area 52 one)
You might be a good fit for our Alliance guild, Utsukushii Saisei, 4/11M 11/11H SotFO, is a long standing tight knit group of players who banded together during late BC and early WotLK to form a raiding team. We value personal integrity and the ability to voice opinions amid the chaos of raid progression. While it is never our goal to achieve illustrious realm first titles, we raid with the intent to challenge ourselves and accomplish great feats as a team. Our community, while rowdy, is good to one another. We have met in person at Blizzcon multiple times and aim to do so following the lifting of pandemic restrictions in the future.
Raiding typically runs 3 hours on Tuesday/Thursday from 8PM-10PM PST. Saturday and Sundays are optional alt raids and low rating RBGs.
Our guild has not used a formal loot system for four expansions. Those looking for a rigid structured loot council or point system are recommended to look elsewhere. Although this lack of a system creates the possibility of large gear disparities between raiders, individual generosity tends to balance things out when the dice fail to do so. An old raider once said, “Loot always drops again”, a very simple look at WoW in general. Our story lies in the adventures we share rather than in the items generated by the game.
We take great pride in the community that we’ve established. The memories of our journeys outweigh numeric achievements and we’re confident in our ability to provide an established environment for players of all backgrounds and goals.
If you’re still interested, contact:
GM: Kalcifur (Bnet: TKMori#1560 Discord: Katsuto1055#8769)
Officer: Friarbeta (Bnet: xerox445#1890 Discord: Drucidal#7589)
Discord Code: JhJDKGrtU7
Hey Trampstamp!
CE focused guild - < Redacted > Area 52 [H] is recruiting.
T/W/Th - 8pm-11pm PST | 11pm-2am EST. 5x CE Raid Leader, looking to rank US 500~ in Dragonflight.
Mature environment, Mutual Respect, Competitive Gaming. We push keys and like pvp too! All info in discord.
prog level was not listed
possibly besides can’t afford a transfer/race change so we would have to pug it each week via discord
I don’t think it would be a problem, just talk to:
GM: Kalcifur (Bnet: TKMori#1560 Discord: Katsuto1055#8769)
Officer: Friarbeta (Bnet: xerox445#1890 Discord: Drucidal#7589)
sorry was pretty busy today, added them both on disc