28 Manned Onyxia!

Last night my guild did a successful 28 man Onyxia! It may not be a world first, but let’s see how many guilds can pull that off with a raid where most player are relatively undergeared. Most of us only had 1 epic piece and some were missing a few BiS items so we consider this to be quite the achievement.


Nice. Good job.


Supposedly asmongold did it with 10

And I hear on private servers with T2+ gear people have done Ony with 5


Breakdown of the raid by class/spec (for information purposes only).

I 26 manned it without using discord. Raid lead described the fight in chat and we got her on the third try. We brought 7 healers and 1 tank. For a pug without voice comms I think that went pretty well.

Definitively worth doing ony sub 30 players. So much less competition for loot


Guild (Senseless) did it with 10. From the photo it’s obvious many of them have MC gear, but not seeing full sets.

465 votes and 180 comments so far on Reddit


Grats, it is an awesome accomplishment

It could probably be done with 5 right now, 1/8th of the raid size. I gotta put this here again because it still makes me chuckle:


And here I was thinking classic was going to be hard. Sucks being lied to.

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To be fair, we didn’t one-shot her. It actually took us nearly 20 attempts to down her due to threat issues. But once we found an effective way to keep the threat on the tanks, we were able to down her.

Sure makes all the ‘meme spec’ and meta-gaming nonsense that’s been tossed around before launch and shortly after seem pretty silly now, doesn’t it?

I’m waiting for a group of meme spec folks to clear raid content. Prot pally tank, boomkins, shadow priests, ret pallies, arms warriors, etc. It won’t be long, I’ll bet!

Earlier this week, we managed to 40 man Ony, after a wipe.

Morale of the story - 10/20/28/30/37/40/4 man - Ony died.

The end.

Our guild 10 manned it easy

Good job. T.o you all. Its not about what someone else did in games. Its what yourself and a group of friends did that matters.

It was always silly and always will be.

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It drove me nuts!

Thankfully plenty of guilds still that are laid back and fine with it. All this in Vanilla they never brought this or that spec is nonsense. Maybe theirs didnt but mine always did.

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Not really.

All of that is still valid and true. It’s just not necessary to complete content, which no one argued that it was.

We’re all still waiting.

The bulk of the arguments were that “meme specs will cause wipes/inhibit progress.” Which hasn’t happened.

I suppose you can say things like “valid and true” if that helps.

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No, the bulk of the arguments is that they are inferior in their role, because they are.