Long time player looking for a Mythic Raiding guild. Trying to push CE every tier. I prefer a 2-3 night raiding guild between the times of 7-11pm EST.
This xpac: 8/10M CN, 9/10M SoD, 6/10M SOtfO(have currently stopped progging).
Mains this xpac: Spriest all of CN, UDK/Lock SoD, Hpriest current tier(and I am absolutely bored of healing).
I’ve been trying to swap to my warrior (og tune from BC) for a while, and I finally geared and caught it up. I can play fury or arms with no issues. I am currently on A-52[H] but am willing to transfer.
Btag: Spawn#12613
Discord: Voidem#2764
Thanks and have a great day