How are Fri/Sat 7-10pm PST? We are alliance so sadly that will hit your point number 3., but hoping you still might consider us. We are looking for more ranged dps and currently 2/11M and 11/11H. If you are interested let me know my btag is vcronwen#1282.
Good day!
We’re a casual mythic guild looking to pick up a couple RDPS players. Currently 4/11M on Sargeras Alliance. Raids are Wed/Thurs 6-9:30 pm MST. The roster average is early 30s with full time jobs and families. If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact me on discord: Dotty#6456
I saw you were looking for a home, and I wondered if we might be a good fit! We raid 10p-1am Eastern time which is 7p-10p Pacific time on Sun/Mon.
About the raid, our team was 7/10M in CN, our first tier together as a guild, and 7/10M in Sanctum. We are currently 5/11M (US 705). And we are no longer doing any Heroic during raid times, and instead focusing on pushing prog in Mythic.
About me, I’m the GM and raid leader, and I’ve personally gotten CE Sylvanas and 5 other CEs in prior tiers, as well as numerous Heroic end-game bosses prior to “CE” being a thing as a raid leader and GM both.
We are in search of stronger DPS for our team, and I wanted to link you our WoWprogress page and RaiderIO to see if you think our guild and raid is what you’re looking for!
Hey. I’m the recruiting officer for Valos Cor, a horde casually serious raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow. We’re 10/11H and 1/11M in SoFo after going 4/10M in SoD. We raid twice/week, Tues and Thurs, from 8:30-11:30 pm (eastern time).
At the moment we’re looking for a ranged dps plus a healer, ideally a Resto Druid or a Priest, who could dps in a pinch. Reliability and a pleasant attitude are at least as big a deal as class fit.
Feel free to reach out to me (Wrathblood#1742 on bnet or Wrath#3004 on Discord) or Novasolan (our RL, Novasolan#9219 on Discord). We’d love to chat about what you’re looking for in a guild. Thanks!
11/11N & 8/11H - We are a fun loving guild that mainly focuses on raids, though all levels and interests are welcome. Occasional guild lotteries. Raid nights are Tues, Wed and Thurs from 8:50pm-midnight server time.
If you’re looking for a group of older laid-back folks, we are Blades of Law on Whisperwind-Dentarg. We look to push AOTC each patch and maybe dabble into mythic raiding along with pushing 15-20+ m+ keys. Raid times are Fri. & Sat. 7:30 - 9:30 pm CST. If it seems like your cup of tea, feel free to reach out to me but if not, thanks for your time!
Good evening all. Looking through replies now. Just a couple notes. Can’t raid on Friday nights (movie night with my kids) or Saturday nights (generally when we would plan a dinner out or other activities) for family reasons. Living in Arizona my time zone is PST-MST depending on the time of year. So unfortunately in answer to Daddybear, 8:30pm EST is to early for me as I won’t be home yet at raid start time half the year.
Unfortunately almost all the replies here raid a little to early or on a Saturday. I do appreciate sooo much the time you took to reply to me though.
< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
Our guild raids 6-9pm PST Tues/Thurs night. We are mostly an AOTC guild (already achieved AOTC this tier) but have some interest into killing a few mythic bosses casually (nice to have). Our guild consists of mostly older people (30+) with some exceptions of younger (but mature) players so we have little to no tolerance for drama. We see our guild as a community rather than a place for people to show up and log parses so we are very active outside raid time. If you are still looking, feel free to give me a shout Stevelations#11594
The Righteous of Thrall is a 10+year guild, rated one of the most active on server. We have 2 Mythic Raid Teams, a Heroic team, and Alt casual team. We run all levels of keys and have folks on all day and night. We also have an Alliance guild “Secretly Horde”.
We are a mostly over 30 crowd, with lots of wow couples.
The 7/11 Heroic team raids Thur/Fri 8:30-11:30 EST. We are looking for some additional DPS.
Please consider us when deciding on the guild that is right for you.
We are a Mythic raiding guild (8/10M SoD - Had KT to 3%) and currently 3/11M SFO. We are looking for exceptional players
to help fill out our team of 22-24 players. Everyone has stated the chill, mature atmosphere of the guild while having a fun time!
We also love running keys and hanging out playing different games!
Raid Times:
Tuesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EST
We also invite those who just want to run keys(most of the guild is KSM), or grab AOTC but not mythic raiding.
Feel free to add me on bnet Shazzammy#11618 or discord Shazzammy#1860
Hey Stoned!
The Assassins - Alliance - Stormrage-US is looking for more people to join our raid team. We are currently 8/11H SotFO with AotC in all previous tiers. We raid Thursday and Sunday 8:30 PM-10:45 PM EST, and are looking for ranged DPS.
We’re looking for team players that are looking for a fun group, but also are going to put in the work to come to raid ready with an understanding of encounters, personal consumables, and appropriate gear (ie: conduits, gems, enchants, iLvl, etc.). Players looking for Mythic+ keys run weekly for opportunities at gear outside of raid are a great fit for us.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please reach out to me on discord at: TSchulz#2419 or bnet at: TSchulz#1546
Hi (: i’m recruiting for Bloodknight Redemption [H] [Illidan] our weekday team raids t/th 7:30-10:30 [cst] server
Contact for more info [Bnet: HoppingKoala#1644 Disc: HoppingKoala#0745]
Eclipsed, on Stormrage, was created by a group of veteran players that want to build a community oriented Guild that encompasses all aspects of the game and doing it with other people to achieve our best possible playability. We will have multiple raid teams and are currently recruiting for two raid teams, keystones and more.
Total Eclipse (11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Elemental Shammie, Shadow Priest, Warlock. 1 healer-preferred Holy Priest
Open applications for prospects going into mythic.
Dark Star (11/11N 9/11H)
Wed/Fri 8-11 EST
Needs: Tank, Healer, DPS
Both Teams will achieve AoTC, and Heroic farm and then go into mythic as the natural order of completing things on the next tier.
In a raider, we expect the will and drive to learn and collaborate, as well as openness to constructive criticism, initiative to research and master your class, and the desire to progress at a moderate pace by
bringing a positive attitude. We want mature, goal-oriented, and chill raiders who enjoy raiding and want to be here to have a good time with us.
We will raid 6 hours a week. Each minute of raid time is valuable. We need you to be punctual and prepared.
We also expect you to know the boss strategies. Fights are a lot less frustrating when everyone is prepared and knows what to do ahead of time. Speaking up and asking a question when you don’t understand a mechanic or strategy is encouraged.
We are also openly recruiting people interested in Mythic Plus Pushing, Achievement Runs, Random Guild Events, and etc.
Hey! If you’re open to raiding 1 night on Sundays, I think we might be a great fit! I’d love to get the chance to chat with you!
<Mercurial> is an AOTC/casual Mythic guild on Thrall focused on creating the most rewarding raiding environment possible every single week. Our players mostly consist of retired CE/mythic raiders and other skilled individuals who don’t have as much time to play as they used to. We firmly believe that casual raiding can be well organized, team-centric, and effective. We aim to always keep the vibe fun, respectful, and courteous, while still making great progress on a tight schedule.
Raids are every Sunday from 8:45pm-12am EST (5:45-9pm PST). Current progress is 11/11N; 11/11H with the intention of clearing as much of mythic as we can before next tier.
Current needs include all dps classes, all healer classes, and any flexible players capable of taking on a primary dps role with a tank or healer OS as they are able.
If an environment where the guild leadership truly cares the about growth and development of their players while maintaining smooth progress on a relaxed schedule sounds like a good fit for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We would love to hear from you!
Hey Stoned! [A]Firehawk/[H]Fyrehawk is a guild on Proudmoore currently looking for more player for our two raid teams: Corpse Run is the casual mythic group that raids Tuesdays/Wednesdays 6-9pst and Twilight Fenix is the casual heroic group that raids on Fridays and Sundays 6-9pst… We’re a chill friendly group of WoW friends and veterans looking for more friends to fill our raid rosters. You sound like a good fit and I’d be interested in chatting with you if you’re interested in joining. You can contact me via my bnet Brerellin#1558. Hope to see you in-game!