274, 2/11M Resto Druid LF CE/AOTC Guild

Short and sweet here!

2/11M Killed, pulls on Dau and Xy.

Looking for Any 2-3 Days from Monday-Thursday 8-Midnight EST

Will fill out any application, have no issues having an interview on voice with any amount of team members.



You might be a good fit for our Alliance guild, Utsukushii Saisei, 10/11H SotFO, is a long standing tight knit group of players who banded together during late BC and early WotLK to form a raiding team. We value personal integrity and the ability to voice opinions amid the chaos of raid progression. While it is never our goal to achieve illustrious realm first titles, we raid with the intent to challenge ourselves and accomplish great feats as a team. Our community, while rowdy, is good to one another. We have met in person at Blizzcon multiple times and aim to do so following the lifting of pandemic restrictions in the future.

Raiding typically runs 3 hours on Tuesday Thursday from 8PM PST. Saturday and Sundays are optional alt raids and low rating RBGs.

Our guild has not used a formal loot system for four expansions. Those looking for a rigid structured loot council or point system are recommended to look elsewhere. Although this lack of a system creates the possibility of large gear disparities between raiders, individual generosity tends to balance things out when the dice fail to do so. An old raider once said, “Loot always drops again”, a very simple look at WoW in general. Our story lies in the adventures we share rather than in the items generated by the game.

We take great pride in the community that we’ve established. The memories of our journeys outweigh numeric achievements and we’re confident in our ability to provide an established environment for players of all backgrounds and goals.

If you’re still interested, contact:

GM: Kalcifur (Bnet: TKMori#1560)
Officer: Friarbeta (Bnet: xerox445#1890)

Never Lucky is a progression-focused guild whose mission is to have fun, be kind, and obtain cutting-edge as efficiently as possible with a limited 6-hour schedule. We transferred to Mal’Ganis in January 2022 from Magtheridon and have been raiding together since Legion.
Tues & Thurs 8-11 PM EST.
Apply Here

After applying, if you have any questions reach out to Aveeda#11837 on Battle.net or Aveeda#2452 on Discord and Shiena#6451 on Discord.

JETSKI - Illidan (Horde)

Raid times:

Tuesday 6:30pm-9:30pm EST

Wednesday 6:30pm-9:30pm EST

Sun/Mon 6:30pm-9:30pm EST ( OPTIONAL Heroic/Normal depending on who needs what)

Who we are:

Jetski is a guild composed of many MULTI CE leads/officers that wanted a more relaxed raid atmosphere. We were tired of the yelling/raging in discord the toxic environments, and assumption that you need to be “hardcore” and “demeaning” to prog. A lot of us have been playing together for years and strive to build a home/family of friends that DO want to get CE and mythic prog each tier, but in non hardcore manner while still having a little fun. Plenty of 3k IO players who push keys everyday and PVP’ers in the off time.

Where we are at:

10/11H as a guild as I write this with the potential of 11/11H. ( A few officers are AOTC ). This coming week: Tuesday (5/4) we will be killing and doing trials on heroic Jailer, and on Wednesday (5/5) we are going into MYTHIC to start our CE push this coming week!

What we are looking for:

Feral druid



Resto Shaman ( pref with Ele flex )

if this interests you at all hmu on disc! @ Mission#1622

Welcome to the Molecule Collective

We’re a newly formed guild looking to push content based in Frostmourne server

We’re building Raid, M+ teams as well as building a friendly social environment.
We have a mixed player based with players based in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Japan etc.

Neutralis(Salty Seamen team) - Raid Times - Wed/Thu/Mon - 8:30pm-11:30pm - GMT+8
10/11 H 2/11M
Open to all applications if you believe you’ll be a good fit please do apply. We welcome M+ and Socials as well
Please reach out to the following if you’re interested

0 Orc Shaman2295


Repetition is recruiting! We are looking to bolster our current roster & for future raid tiers. As a guild we also like to have fun whether that be in M+, PvP or while doing fun guild events. We are very laid back people that like to have fun and be competitive with each other inside and out of a raid setting. We also supply almost everything needed to progress in a raid tier (Cauldrons/food/repairs/vantus runes).

Current and past progression:

  • 8/10 M SoD
  • 8/10 M CN
  • 12/12 M N’yalotha (CE)

Recruitment Needs for Mythic Progression:
Ranged: CASTERS NEEDED! Mage, Balance Druid or any exceptional players*
Healers: Mistweaver Monk, Resto Druid or Holy Paladin
Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of classes or specs mentioned.

Raid Times:

  • Mythic / Progression - Tues / Thurs 6PM - 9PM PST (9PM - 12 EST)
  • Optional Heroic - Friday’s or Sunday’s 6:00PM PST (9PM - 12 EST)


  • Raiders are expected to be ready to go 10 minutes prior to raid time, if you are going to be late, or miss let an officer know. Real life happens but the sooner we know the sooner we can make preparations for a replacement.
  • During progression of a raid tier, ALL raiders will use flasks, food, and other consumables that are provided by the guild. Runes are optional as they are not provided by the guild.
  • You are expected to read up / watch multiple videos on the raid tier / current progression boss…
  • The guild’s raids and its progression come first. Raiders are expected to attend all raids and strive to improve even if its minuscule. Raiders who are not performing well or slacking in some areas risk losing their raid spot for a period of time.

Guild Goals:
We want to push for CE while having a good community inside and out of WoW. We strive to improve with each raid tier and to keep the momentum and success going into the tiers ahead of us!

Feel free to reach out to any of us at anytime.
Recruitment Officer - Discord: PokeMe#4358
GM - Discord: Cobble#1234
Raid Lead - Discord: Scoffs#1420

“Dusk to Dawn” is currently LF Ranged DPS & 1 Healer for our Mythic Team in 9.2. We have a chill guild setting, with the goal of getting CE. We raid T/W/Th 11pm-1am Server time aka 9pm to 11pm PST . Currently 10/11H & 2/11M @ SFO. PST for more info.

Contact through bnet @ Imintheworld#1201
or on Discord @ Devil#9780

Hey there Ifwt,

I’m the GM of Grimfrost [A] on Emerald Dream. We’re currently recruiting more exceptional players for our Mythic roster. We are 2/11 M in SFO with our sights set on CE in 9.2. We raid W/Th 830-1130 EST. If you’re interested, feel free to add me on Discord TopGun#9498

Immediate need for 1-2 core heals!