It is with great joy that I announce the demise of the so-called “Banshee Queen”, who fell to the combined might of Clan Battlehammer, and the Kul Tiras Marines.
Full Debrief:
After landing in Valley of Wisdom, our heroic forces moved into the common area between the bank and the auction house. Resistance was light at best.
Following the quick dispatch of any potential threat and too many city guards to count, the strike team quickly secured the command room, eliminating all hangers-on and sycophants.
Sylvanas was engaged and destroyed in less than 10 minutes. Attempts to rescue her were haphazard and disorganized, and any Horde who entered the room were similarly quickly eliminated.
Following her return to the earth, the strike team secured the front gate of Orgrimmar then teleported to Boralus for debriefing.
CS: Crusader 8
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