26 70s. Now what?

For some reason I’ve just been unmotivated to do anything but level alts lately. I guess I should get bullion but… meh. Can’t I just farm all the appearances later? I already have the slime cat. I got the Northrend Cup stuff done. Remix isn’t out yet. I could do the big meta achievement but I don’t feel like I got the spoons to deal with all that right now.

I got at least 10 60-somethings I could work on, I guess.

20945 achievement points

Those are rookie numbers, looks like you’ve got lots to do!


Sounds like you have some burnout… take a break so TWW feels more novel.


Sometimes walking away from the game for a short bit can be very helpful. Or if you just can’t pull yourself away from wow, you could always try out season of discovery or cata leveling.

Or just make a goal like increasing the item level if only by a little of every character.

Or do you know who your main for TWW is going to be. Have you looked at the hero talents and how that’s going to affect them. You could spend time researching the future.

Plenty of things to do, just need to solidify a goal.

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Yeah I’ve got like, 15 characters total, lol.

And only like 6 of those are 70 or something like that.

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Level more in the MoP remix in a week!


Oh that’s tomorrow? I must’ve lost track of time didn’t even realize lol

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not tomorrow sorry I think a little further than that

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Oh damn I got myself excited. You’re right. Lemme edit

No I’m a fool. It’s on the 16th :frowning:


Get a 70 of every class of every race

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there actually saying the 7th for dark heart. When I looked it up. i have no idea ok and the 16th for remix i suppose


I think that’s next week, tomorrow is the quest that is pre-TWW pre-pre-pre patch lol.

Not actual pre-patch, but the patch that alludes up to it.

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So, hay Dark heart is releasing tomorrow that’s something.

In fact, the game is supposed to be down basically all day darn. estimated time is till 3pm pdt

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Why a ton of alts, though

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I would but I’d need more slots.

It’s something to do, I guess. I like leveling, and I like trying new race / class combos without paying for race or faction or name changes. Plus, every once in awhile it comes in handy for farming, like, holiday stuff.

I have been in a similar position, though in my case it is primarily due to waiting for 10.2.7 and MoP Remix. I have been wanting to (finally) get LotRO re-downloaded on this new PC, but with WoW content around the corner, I didn’t want to get caught up in adventuring through Middle-Earth quite yet.

I do advise if you are feeling bored or burned out on things right now, that perhaps taking a break until MoP Remix might be good! A nice time to work on single-player game backlogs, perhaps, or even just catch up on shows or movies. :popcorn:

“You will eat the bugs, you will live in a pod, you will own nothing, but you will be happy.”

You will play the meta and be happy.

I’m playing Palia and Old Republic on the side. I get my weekly done and get my bullion from LFR, then chill for the rest of the week in other games. Then I’ll play Pandamonium.

(Although I got annoyed at Palia when one of the current updates turned off all the lights and candles in my housing plot— and I have a LOT of lights and candles, some I can’t reach now. )


What do you mean now what? Now you can finally play the game