250 brm monk lf guild

Date Posted: 11/03
Class/Spec: Monk/Brewmaster
Faction: Alliance
Cleared: 5/10m on Monk 4/10M on Warrior, I do have some pulls on mythic Sylvanis, Have seen phase 2
Btag: Brewmaster#1451
Link: https://raider.io/characters/us/lightbringer/Floorpov
Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/lightbringer/elijahbrew
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/lightbringer/floorpov
Availability:any time after 5pm pst

I’m with Almighty Push, an Alliance guild on Proudmoore, currently 5/10M with 32% pulls on Pain after 2 days of prog. We formed about 5 weeks ago when a group of friends found theirselves all in the same situation around the same time. Three different guilds imploded and/or quit within 2 weeks, leaving a handful of friends from each guild who are still very focused on CE. We all came together and formed Almighty Push.

We’re social, focused, still like WoW (even though we know it’s not perfect), and we post stupid funny stuff in discord - but most importantly we steady prog by coming prepared with knowledge of the fight, knowledge of our class, raid mats, and identifying mistakes after pull.

We don’t expect perfection - we expect improvement and personal responsibility. We don’t fuss at mistakes, we don’t fuss about loot - we act like adults, we use our time effectively. We’re 5 months into the raid - there’s not a lot of time left to waste. Our raid times are Tues/Wed/Thurs 8-11 pm CST.

Outside of raid we run keys - many of us have our +20 portals, all of us have KSM on our mains. Some of us do RBGs. But mostly we just chill and chat in discord and help each other out with whatever needs doing.

Let me know if any of this sounds interesting. I’d be happy to talk with you some more.
Discord: Gracyn#8603

Hello Elijah!

I run a 3/10m One Night Horde Guild in Illidan that runs on Sunday from 9p-12m EST. We have an opening for a tank right now as current trial appears to have flaked on us. In the meantime I’ve been having others in our group flex to fill the role, but ideally I can get someone solid in the spot and we can get back onto a consistent prog train again asap. (The tank we had prior was a long term member of like 11+ years, and quit the game due to the state of it. No bad blood.)

If the time works for you and you’d like to speak more I’d love to chat.

B.Net: Delacour#1483
Discord: SG Delacour#1483

Here’s our thread on the recruitment boards that outlines more about our group!

Hi there! Hey friends! Naughtytime here. Just posting another recruiting post for me and my team :heart:

I am Gm/RL of the Exclusive outcasts, an alliance guild on Kel’thuzad.
Casual mythic prog guild/ AOTC guild.

We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays as of right now from 9-12 eastern time. Sometimes we switch to Tuesday to fit schedules. We are 9/10 heroic, 1/10 Mythic in the Sanctum of Domination! I feel like we could be 3-4 kills in mythic, but we have to pug 5+ people :disappointed: We are in need of raiders right now! We have lost a quite of few people to classic and have some people stepping away from the game right now. We are looking for tanks, healers and DPS! We need it all!

As of right now we have consistently have 2-3-9 to 2-4-12. We have one of our DPS mains as tank right now. Current needs:
Tank :
Any type! Our tank quit on us :[
Healer :
Shaman, druid, monk, pally. We will take a priest but we already heal with 3 :man_shrugging:t3::joy:
Warlock, DK, Druid, Mage, ETC. We would take about anything of course!

PVP in the future, keystone nights on the weekend.

We might not be CE ready but I have good players willing to try, just need to roster more people. I have had a blast this tier, it’s been difficult due to the number of people leaving for either classic or taking a break, we are down over 14 + people :eyes: shout out to the crew that has stuck it out with m this tier :heart: I sit here and recruit for them, I want us all to have success. :pleading_face:
Bubonict#1987 B tag / Ty - Resent#3575 Discord

Hit me up on my socials above, would love to chat! :sunglasses: