25 min wait for battleground blitz only for team give up in first 30seconds

title kind of says it all.

Sit in a que for 25 minutes, team loses first team fight and healers just go afk, dps just stay at respawn.

if this is the level of pvp activity in season 1, this game toast in a month.


You’re in placement games from the looks of it around a low rating.
It takes ages to find players down there. and yeah they are gonna be bad.

1500 is popping nonstop and there are disconnectors and even more win trading nonsense here.

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Yeah its gonna be a rough season…

2 more days and Diablo 4 expansion releases, they fixed all the interface bugs, and there is now End Game Content, raids, groups and social stuff… I think this will be a great filler, gonna go play it and come back at the end of this season IF they fix the MMR issues. If not then next season or expansion then lol.

0 to 1k can be bad. especially if you start with a lose streak,

about 1k IME it starts getting better, but not good, yet.

if you look at rating distribution charts there is this really sad little hump at the bottom of people who never climb past 0

That is the real pit of doom

Has someone said yet that: “it’s just you,” “i love BGB best ever,” and/or “just keep playing, you’ll get 2400 eventually.”

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Moonkin on our team?
Everyone afk.

And if it’s not that, it’s: ‘‘if you’re losing, then you should definitely be looking inwards, the problem is with yourself and can’t possibly be with Blizzard matchmaking.’’

20 min queue means that was your first game ever. giving up already?

queue again. it should be 5 or less now.

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