247 MM hunter 249 fury warrior 3/10 m sod lf raiding guild

Lookin for a mythic raiding guild for 9.2. Guild disbanded in 9.1 so we decided to take a break. We have been playing for a long time
We have logs
Heartfiia area 52
Sawaya area 52

Faction: Horde
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: Wed/Thur 7:00 - 10:00pm PT

Hello ! I am the GM / Raid Lead for Damage Theory, a two day mythic progression guild located on Hyjal (Horde).

If you are interested in learning more about us and want to be a part of a guild with a proven history and a future of pushing CE on a short schedule feel free to stop by our forum post and use the following contact method below so that we can schedule a time to talk over discord to see if our guild is the right fit for you.

Discord: MOARCOOKIEZ#3023

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hello Heartie! My names Kayj-ShadowCouncil & I’m a recruiting officer for The Deadmen. We’re currently looking to fill our roster going into the next tier and I do believe we can provide the right fit for you and your friend.

[H][US] - BlackwaterRaiders (AOTC, 3/10M)

Raid Times
Tuesday & Thursdays 8PM EST(6PM Server) - 12 EST

We consider ourselves to be semi-hardcore guild that looks to push as far into Mythic as possible every tier. Our main goal is to be the best progression wise guild on the server. We have a very talented group of players, but unfortunately the combination of IRL stuff and patch burn has caused some vacancies in our roster. So here I am, looking to fill the spot!

The Deadmen community is one of the best. We take pride in providing a friendly environment where anyone can come and feel welcomed, while at the same time maintaining a competitive atmosphere to help push and better all of our members. Outside of raid we have an avid group of players that run a bunch of M+. We also hold guild events and run organized PvP groups. There’s something to do for everyone here ^.^

Please message me on discord or Bnet if interested:
Discord: KayJay#3513
Bnet: KaayJaay#1684

Meow Meow Kitties on Area 52 is recruiting for 9.2. The plan is AOTC and then a mythic push.

Raid nights are Wed/Thurs from 7:15-10:00p est. We recently transferred to Horde and are currently 10/10 H. We were 4/10 M on Alliance but had roster issues due to several players quitting because of irl situations. We run a heroic raid each week to gear alts and trial new people.

Most of the raid team plays every evening and on weekends pushing keys, pvp, and working on achievs.

Our current needs are dps (any class) and a healer for raid and a mythic + tank for pushing keys. We have several players that can perform on multiple classes so we are flexible as of now.

If you would like to give us a try, contact me at
Bnet: Nat#11668
or Discord: Nat#2906

Hi there, you sound like a great fit for our guild! we are a new guild but built around 15 players from our last guild, we are a CE experience guild and we are just looking for a few more to finish out our roster, this patch we want to try a semi hard core approach. We are all good friends and we focus more on team work and mechanics rather than parses, we believe if you get a raid team full of players who execute their classes well and have good team work you will get Ce and have fun doing it.
We raid tu/th 7-10 pm eastern on Area 52 and we are horde! hit me up on discord, would love to talk to you my discord name is haydenthomas#2659 and my bnet is hayden#1637