246 Bear & 247 Arms Warr LF Guild

Hey there my friend and I are wanting to see what’s out there currently.

We love pushing high keys and plan to do Mythic prog in 9.2 :slight_smile:

Fast and Malfurious on Horde-Khaz’goroth would love to have you in our Core Raid Team.
Raid times are Weds/Thurs/Mon 8-10pm AEDT.

I haven’t got a tank spot in our core team though unfortunately so you’d have to be willing to play Ferl/Boomy/Resto, though you could tank with the casual group.

Core team is aiming to clear normal (first 8 that are available) first week and then Heroic by week 10, with some late tier Mythic prog after that.

We’ve also got our M+ team, Team Hex, which is doing trials on Tuesday to select the team for 9.2 and will aim to push keys as high as possible. Key push will happen on Tuesday nights, similar times to raid.

If you are interested, add me on Bnet: Rimbarn#1990

We are currently Horde Barth but we will switch to Ally and another server :slight_smile:

Hello Yozaa
Hope your well mate
Vismo is Forstmourne Ali and would love to have you
1 night a week raids with M+ being a feature
Info is below in this post and I would love to hear from you

We are recruiting for our 9.2 roster. We are currently recruiting healers and dps, all classes needed for these positions. We are led by previous mythic raiders who have been playing all together since MoP, with most of us having miythic experience in castle nathria. We are aiming to get aotc, and will decide on how much time we devote to mythic when we get there. We are looking to raid 1 day a week but get a lot done by being geared and coming in ready to perform. Our raid day is Monday 9:30pm-1:30am server.

If interested, you can add me on bnet: Tacticz#11514
or discord: turbo#9960

Hey guys,
I take it our original offer of 2 dps spots isn’t of interest to you guys. If you’re still looking for a guild, I’d love to have a chat to see if we can work something out that would suit you guys.

It’d be great to have you aboard in our guild.

Please contact me on bnet Rimbarn#1990

Hey mate - Onineko are an Aussie AOTC focused guild on Barth Horde. Looking for a few people for our 9.2 raid team. We also do a bunch of keys on off raid nights.

If you were OK running MS Tank with DPS O/S we have a spot in our raid team.

We raid Wed/Thu 8:30pm to 11:00pm Server Time (Sydney Time).

Add me Bob#11581 if it is something that might fit.