Would you kindly, Blizzard, NOT change my forum posting character?

I almost entirely browse forums from my phone and this happens occasionally to me too. It will switch to the most random low level characters I haven’t touched in forever when I log back in.

Would be nice if there was an option to set a default character or main.

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I just had that happen to me but first time - there is a problem with the forum - happened last classic stress test day as well.

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Happens to me now and again, OP. Just had to log in and switch from my least played character to this one. It always switches to my rogue, my latest use of a free boost.

I have no proof, but it’s possible the auto log off is to combat former players that aren’t subbed yet are capable of posting. I know once it auto logged me off when I had cancelled my sub at the start of BFA, I could no longer post; that was after weeks of posting privileges.

I think today has been an exception cause I believe there has been some massive load on forums due to a DDOS attack, just a hunch so your logins may have been reset.

Happens to me all the time. Though today things are broken all over it seems.

It happens to everyone I guess. Seems your “permanent” login expires after a while. Not sure about the duration but maybe twice a year I have to relogin. Sometimes the character changes when that happens.

It’s because this forum engine is from some indie company, not Blizzard’s fault.

It happens every now and then when characters get updated when you log in.

There was a time when Blizzard decided to pick a character I have not played with for in nearly a decade. I was like. “Oh yeah that one exist.”

Learn to forum!

Seriously, though. It happens to me too. Really weird when it does.

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Funny thing, after I posted I got a 502 error - topic not found because of connections, or something. Then it came back. Had to change character, tho Vixie was on the top line. Sporadic outage happens.

It’s definitely acting goofy.

It’s very rare, but today it’s happening a lot. It’s just messed up right now. It doesn’t really seem to have a preference to which character it’s choosing when I log back in, just random. RNG forum character? Hehe

Hopefully it stays a rare thing!

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The forums are collapsing under the weight of the vocal minority.

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Website Bug Report Forum

Not in Blizzard’s control. The forum software is Third Party design.

Nah I don’t think it’s got anything to do with a DDOS. The last time it happened was because of Classic testing. The server went down and so everyone came here to see what was going on, when it’s coming back up, to chit chat and pass the time, etc. Well basically the same thing has been happening again. Stress testing for Classic has been going on again and the server has been off and on, up and down for a while. It’s quite literally what the message on the forums say…they’re overloaded. Too many people here. That in turn causes you to be logged out. The issue of having a different character being selected upon logging back in happens almost every single time you’re logged off. Why that happens, I have no idea. But for today, it’s just a product of the forums being completely overwhelmed.


:wave: Hey all, sorry to necro this topic! I just wanted to say thanks for the reports everyone, and we released an update today that we believe should fix the last of the “random character selection” issues.

We’ve also done a number of performance improvements to handle high load, and will continue monitoring and optimizing.


I never log out so don’t encounter this problem. Why are you logging out ?

So does this mean we will be able to use the forum next week when classic releases ?

I’ve been randomly forcibly logged out. I posted yesterday and was met with an error box that informed me I’d been logged out, and it then switched to a lvl 80-something DK alt when I logged back in.

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:+1: thanks for the heads up Blizzard

Oh, Thanks! :+1: