Looking for a raid guild. Can not raid only on Fri and Sat nights. This toon is 3 of 10 mythic (Thou i raid Fri Sat nights on a bear tank that is 4 of 10 mythic almost 5 of 10 do I have experience on those bosses)
Hey! You’re on my server (Kil’jaeden). Would love to chat - you can add me on discord: evalensce#6997.
Naughtytime here. Just posting another recruiting post for me and my team
I see youre horde! Hope you consider us
I am Gm/RL of the Exclusive outcasts, an alliance guild on Kel’thuzad.
Casual mythic prog guild/ AOTC guild.
We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays as of right now from 9-12 eastern time. Sometimes we switch to Tuesday to fit schedules. We are 9/10 heroic, 1/10 Mythic in the Sanctum of Domination! I feel like we could be 3-4 kills in mythic, but we have to pug 5+ people in the past! The numbers are finally start to fill out because of the bites im getting on the forums! (Thank you everyone!) We are still in need of raiders right now! We have lost a quite of few people to classic and have some people stepping away from the game right now. We are looking Healers and DPS! HEALERS PREF <3
As of right now we have consistently have 2-3-9 to 2-4-12. We have one of our DPS mains as tank right now. Current needs:
Tank :
Any type! More of a back up roll right now!
Healer :
Shaman, druid, monk, pally. We will take a priest but we already heal with 3
Warlock, DK, Druid, Mage, ETC. We would take about anything of course!
PVP in the future, keystone nights on the weekend.
We might not be CE ready but I have good players willing to try, just need to roster more people. I have had a blast this tier, it’s been difficult due to the number of people leaving for either classic or taking a break, we are down over 14 + people shout out to the crew that has stuck it out with m this tier
I sit here and recruit for them, I want us all to have success.
If we can get a consistent 20+ people I could see us pushing farther into mythic as a team and grow for other tiers in SL and beyond!! Horde are always welcome too
Bubonict#1987 B tag / Ty - Resent#3575 Discord
Hit me up on my socials above, would love to chat!
Still looking
Hey Mad,
Check out our forum thread and add me if you’d like to chat! 3/10M, Tue & Thu 8p-11p EST
Jaystir#1204 - Discord
Good morning Madcowvirus!
Meme Machine Is a guild on Thrall with an emphasis on Heroic and Mythic progression.
Raid days & times: Weds/Thurs 9PM-11:30PM EST.
Currently 9/10H as a guild with many people having previous mythic experience. Once we get a couple more people to round out the roster we will move to Mythic raid progression. We are still a pretty new guild as our charter was signed Oct 14th. Our biggest goal is just to push as far as we can each tier while always helping each other succeed as a guild. RL 5/10M EXP!! Casual players, PvP, Mythic+ everyone is welcome!
Raid is really in need of:
-Other dps are also encouraged to reach out if you think you will be a good fit.
Although anyone is welcome to join that wants to run dungeons or just be social, we do have expectations for raiders:
-to be consistent in showing up (if you can’t show up then let us know)
-come prepared for raid (gems, enchants, watched vids, battle pots)
-want to improve on themselves (sim yourself, look up class, ask questions if needed).
Guild culture is welcoming and helpful. We run lots of M+ outside of raid too. Toxicity/drama/elitism will not be tolerated =)
If interested reach out through discord to either: