241 Arms War with unholy 3 set

LF Mythic progression guild.

9/10 H with prog on sylv

Looking for a guild after GM quit and disbanded my most recent one. I am CE focused, have Chaos bane set bonus, all shards, all dom slots. Actively on the game doing M+.

Can provide logs.

Discord: Tim#2238

Bnet: Spooky#13308

Hey there!

Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.

Raid Days

Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST

Our priorities for recruitment is the following:

  • Healers - Any healer and Flex Healers (main spec DPS) ***High priority
  • Ranged DPS - Elemental Shaman **High Priority - all other ranged is medium priority
  • Melee DPS - *low priority

All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.

Current progression

Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 8/10
Mythic - TBD

Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.

Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 1500 and many more climbing. If PvP is more your thing we have an RBG team and several multi-glads that love to run arenas with multiple players over 2000 rating in both 2’s and 3’s.

Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)

or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.

Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157

Deff - Battle.net - Beautyinwar#1784 - Discord - deffmetals#1002

Blarg Squad is on Illidan and looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. We are looking for teammates, people who want to be part of a thriving and active team that builds relationships together - not a show up for a raid-logging environment. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

SoD progress: 1/10M 9/10H
CN progress: 8/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Divineblarg (Discord: Mint#3740 // btag: prizma#11192)
Draykke (Btag: Draykke#1523 // Discord: Draykke#6210)

Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, your extra flask if you are not alchemy, and armor kits.

RaiderIO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad
LOGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/illidan/blarg%20Squad
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Blarg+Squad

Hello Spooky! Our guild is looking for a Warrior. Here’s our info.

Guild Name: Cant Find A Guild

Server: US–Illidan

Faction: Horde

Progress: 1/10 M - 7/10 H

Times: Wednesday & Sunday 7:30PM – 10:30PM EST

About Us:

We’re a semi-casual guild looking to push as far as possible in mythic difficulty. We have a really chill and fun raid environment, and still manage to maintain focus during progression. Aside from raiding, we also run mythic+ with guildies, some players aim for high IO scores while others just grind keys for vault choices. We believe in growing together as a team, so we put time into making sure every player has the resources to excel in their role.


Although we are a semi-casual guild. We still want to progress as far as possible and in order to do so we have a few things we expect from our players.

  • Be open to playing all specs for your class (this is mostly for classes with multiple DPS/Healer specs)
  • Our roster is 25+ players so be okay with being on the bench (everyone will get the kills eventually, we just need to account for absences or a better comp)
  • Loot belongs to the guild and not the individual. We use loot council for tradeable loot. (We don’t want players that play for loot)
  • Cooperate with guildies. This is mostly for helping yourself and other improve, especially if playing the same class.

Contact Info:

Throgor (Recruiter)
Discord: Baal633#0862
Battle.net: Arcturus6333#9102

Hey Spookyw,

We are looking to pick up another warrior for our raid team. We are currently 1/10M and 9/10H looking to push for 3/10M this weekend. Below is our info reach out if you are interested!

Next Pull For Sure Mal’Ganis [H] - Sat/Sun 7-10pm CST

BNet: Owlkaboom#1536

Discord: owlkaboom#1245

Heyyy Spookyw,

Think of how refreshing a fresh start on Mal’Ganis would be!

We’re looking to add one more DPS to our roster.

Reunited is a two day Mythic raiding guild formed by a group of CE raiders who couldn’t bear the thought of not raiding together anymore when their guild disbanded after achieving Cutting Edge Ny’alotha (we just changed our name from Denovo to Reunited)

We are currently 1/10M and 9/10H

Mythic Raid Schedule
Friday: 7:30PM CST - 11:00PM CST
Saturday: 7:30PM CST - 11:00PM CST

We have a super quick and easy application - our bots will autofill your logs/raider.io/wowprogress info for you - you just tell us who you are, how to reach you, and anything you think we should know - https://forms.gle/aDhpBcgCKxZh6fjK9

We also do a ton outside of raid!

  • Wednesday Sanctum of Domination Sale Run
  • Sunday Sanctum of Domination Alt Run
  • Guild Movie Night
  • Key pushing
  • Key Sales
  • Rated Battlegrounds
  • Meta Achievement groups
  • There are always people online willing to jump into a pug, run keys, do arenas, go on an achievement run, answer silly questions

Any questions? Need more info? Please message me on Discord at kat#3105

Want to apply? https://forms.gle/aDhpBcgCKxZh6fjK9

check us out!

Hey spooky, I sent you a request on discord from unkindledone#1606. I’m currently seeking a warrior for our mythic progression team. I’d love to talk to about being our warrior. If you’d like to discuss more just accept the request and I’ll shoot you a message!

Would love to see another great warrior in our melee core!

Good morning!

If you haven’t settled into a guild yet, Loot Goblins on Area52 is recruiting an arms warrior!

Our copy-pasta:

**Guild & Server:** Horde – Area 52
**Times/Days**: Sun/Mon 9PM-12AM EST (8PM-11PM CST)
**Current Progression:** 1/10M, 7/10H SoD
**Requirements**: Previous mythic experience, reliability, positive progression focused attitude; you will be subject to a log and personality check as we are looking for **CE oriented players**; to help speed up the recruitment process, please be ready to link your logs and/or give us the name and server of the character that you are applying with

**Needs:** *Warlock, 1-2 healers , DPS DK, Havoc DH, Arms Warrior*

Additional information: Optional runs through normal happen regularly, loot is dispersed in a fair manner that helps to best benefit progression, members run keys and pvp; Discord and some add-ons are required

If interested, please reach out to one of our contacts:
Okashiro#11455 (Bnet), Okashiro#2856 (Discord), and/or Tencarus#1244 (Bnet), Tencarus#0544 (Discord)

We wish you the best of luck on your adventures

Still looking! 9/10 H 1/10 M

Adversary exists to facilitate expert-level gameplay in the pursuit of maximum individual performance and fun. Every raid is broken down, combat logs analyzed, and metrics compared to the unflinching goal of making the next raid superior to the last. Adversary’s weekly obsessions are increases in raid tempo, reductions in player deaths, improvements in general execution, and growing as a team.

Raid Schedule (Eastern time):

Wednesday/Thursday 8:00pm-11:00pm

Tuesday – 8:00pm-10:00pm optional


We recruit the player, not the character. Exceptional players of any class with a consistent history of mythic raiding are always encouraged to apply.


Maintaining a healthy guild roster requires more than 20 members to allow for absences and comp flexibility. We understand that no one is entitled to 100% play time and are courteous swapping in and out as the fights need. Our ideal roster size is 24-26 players with 95% attendance and high progression play time per player.


A player who is committed to operating as part of a team executing their role. Someone who has the mindset that their execution within the raid makes the rest of the team better. They must be humble enough to know we all can learn and improve. Constructive feedback is an important tool for any raid team looking to progress and having members who embrace and learn from it is key to the overall success of the raid team.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

BNET: Khromah#1755

Discord: Khromah#1532

Hey Spookyw,

We are looking for more capable DPS to fill out our team, if you are still looking would be interested in chatting!

Premonition (9/10M CN, Cutting Edge HFC+EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD+TEP+Nya) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/io. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.

Raid Times:
Monday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST

Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive

Feel free to apply at https://bit.ly/2mq18ln

Btag - Ludacris#1776, or Limeyman#1556; Contact us in-game with any questions and to start the painless application process.

Bumping :slight_smile:

(One Shot Is Never Enough) Looking to Grow our Mythic Team Tue/ Thurs 9est to 11:30. (10/10N, 7/10H) Need 2 dps ilvl 230+ Starting Mythic Next week.

We have 3rd raid night every other week on Mon (Optional/alt run). Returning Players and casual Players welcome. Battle.net Fenadorm#1793

Hey there! Cool and nice is a raiding and social based guild looking to add to our raiding roster, get AOTC, and then push through mythic. Cool and Nice aims to maintain a fun and enjoyable environment where we can still competitively push high end content. We previously obtained CE in Nyalotha and took a break during CN due to some players being less interested and time conflicts. Our goal this tier is to rebuild and make a serious effort to down mythic this tier in the same way we did in 8.3. We raid two nights a week on Thursday and Monday from 8-11 EST.

Currently, we are in need of a monk, warrior, holy pally and multiple ranged dps players but we are open to all applications.

Please feel free to reach out over discord or bnet so we can get you the guild application. I also sent a friend request to you on discord in hopes of talking about recruitment.

Discord / Bnet
Chandler#0001 / Romel#11461
Dagger#2478 / Dagger#11235

Hi Spooky,

[Ferk] Horde - Area52 is 9/10H SoD 1/10M and 8/10M CN. We are recruiting a couple exceptional DPS for mythic progression. The guild has been around for a few tiers now and has a very relaxed/friendly environment.

Raid Times: Tues/Thurs 8pm-11am EST. Our goal is to push CE on a 6 hour schedule in a casual setting. We would love to add a player of your caliber to the team.

If you are interested please contact me via bnet or discord!

Bnet: Wilmo22#1212
Discord: Wilmo2432#6955

Send it is a horde guild on hyjal looking to push CE this tier. We unfortunately got a late start last tier and missed out but are on the right track to push our way through the new raid. Right now we have around 23-25 players but due to schedule everyone can not be there every night. We also like to keep it competitive and every raid spot is not guaranteed and that does include officers.

We have a strong community of people and would like to continue to grow. We do keys any time we are not in raids. We have multiple KSM teams and we help out anyone in the guild bang keys.

We also order 2 for $25s from Chili’s.

Our Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday from 8:30 PM EST- 11:30 PM EST.

We have an optional day of Wednesday for N KT/Sylv and sometimes alt clears as well.

Progression is as follows:

3/10 M
10/10 H
10/10 N

We currently are recruiting competitive DPS with good logs. We do understand kill times come into play as well as the PI meta so everything will be taken into consideration. We do offer paid transfers.

Mage - Frost/Arcane - HIGH
Shaman - Elemental - High

WW Monk- High
Warrior- High

https:// docs.google .com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCV4AZ9Y-R_U3Y-z8mue7DatZys9rXslRTN9u5n70mJizWpQ/viewform
(Please delete the space and this will work)

My Bnet: ChowMaster#11992
Discord: TheChowMaster#1011

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

~Flagged for Rename~ from Area-52 is an adult guild focused on pushing for CE each tier. We are currently 3/10M SoD, went 9/10M in CN and raid Tues & Wed from 9-12PM EST. I’d love to chat more, add me on Discord Ojntoast#1029 (Preferred) or Bnet Ojntoast#1442.

Including our recruitment post so you can get a better idea of who we are. [H] 9/10M - T/W - CE-focused drama-free guild - LF brew, melee, boomkin, mage - #110 by Ojntoast-area-52