240 Arms Warrior 3/10M 10/10H SoD LF Guild

Looking for a 2 or 3 day mythic raiding guild that raids between 8-12 EST, prefer weekdays.
Have logs for this current raid tier. Guild broke apart and looking for a stable guild to progress with. Played hardcore back in Cata/MoP and got US25th in SoO, returned for SL to push CE again.

9/10M in CN.

Bnet: Wurtey#1959
Discord: Wurtey#6457

Boss Lasers is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild on US-Zul’jin Horde that is centered around fully clearing content while it is current.

We want intelligent and active players who are eager to progress through the new content as soon as it’s available. We want players who are able to be a part of the team; that involves:

  • Attending virtually all the raids

  • Having stable computers and internet connections

  • Min/maxing

  • Bringing consumables

  • Making sure you are up to date on all your classes’ developments, as well as the game’s developments and upcoming changes

Current Progression in SoD:

2/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times:

8:00PM – 11:00PM EST Tuesday and Wednesday, optional Thursday raid


Exceptional players

We’re a very active guild, even outside of raids. Guild Members are constantly organizing alt runs, mythic+ groups, PvP/Arena, etc.

We are all friends, and we keep a respectful atmosphere when we play with each other. If you believe all of this applies to you, and you would like to be a part of our team, feel free to apply.

If you would like to apply, please copy the link below. All applications are private.


Contact Information:

Tarox (Discord: Tarox#0729)

check us out :slight_smile:


is recruiting exceptional players for CE PROGRESSION


We are currently 3/10 M - 10/10 H - 10/10N

Our best pull is 4% on Mythic Remnant today

Please look here for an example of our parse during progression kill: https://i.imgur.com/cUxbA0X.png

We are looking for players who can parse at least 75% with the team as well as have the stamina for the wipes that come with it.

Raid Times

Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pacific

Currently Recruiting Spec
Shaman DPS
Monk DPS (offspec tank a plus)
Death Knight DPS (offspec tank a plus)
Mage DPS
Hunter DPS
Demon Hunter DPS (offspec tank a plus)

We swap people in during half time so all get playtime.
Best Team Composition will go for the kill and people who don't get in get swapped in next clear.
Each spot is a core spot which you must earn and keep. :)

Discord Contact:


Hi Wurtey! We are Adversary and we are 3/10 mythic 10/10H. We raid Wed/Thurs 8:00 to 11:00 pm EST. We are recruiting exceptional players for cutting edge. We may be a great fit.

Please reach out to us if you’d like to discuss trialing with the team!
Discord: Khromah#1532
Btag: Khromah#1755

Hi Wurtey,

[Ferk] Horde - Area52 is 10/10H SoD 3/10M. We are recruiting a couple exceptional DPS for mythic progression. The guild has been around for a few tiers now and has a very relaxed/friendly environment with CE leadership.

Raid Times: Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm EST with an optional raid on Wednesday 8-10 EST. Our goal is to push CE on a 6 hour schedule in a casual setting. We would love to add a player of your caliber to the team.

If you are interested please contact me via bnet or discord!

Bnet: Wilmo22#1212
Discord: Wilmo2432#6955

Shhh don’t tell my warrior guildie, but warriors are good so you should come play with us.

Here is the information:

Remember not to tell,
Thanks - Diomedes

We raid 2 days on your desired schedule and are looking for melee dps. I can’t find any logs for you; add us or apply if interested!

Have you ever considered 1 night raiding?

Team: Free Repairs
Guild: Envelop
Server: US - Illidan
Faction: Horde

7 - 11p CT (Illidan Time)

We are currently 10/10 H and 3/10 M as of this post.

We are currently recruiting:

  • Holy Paladin or Disc Priest
  • Shadow Priest
  • Warrior DPS

We would also consider:

  • DH DPS
  • DK DPS
  • Druid (Balance)
  • Monk DPS
  • Rogue
  • Shaman (Elemental)

Players who will be successful on this team are prepared to raid for the full duration, they show up on time and prepared, and are knowledgeable about the game. This team is a mythic progression team and we will wipe on fights, sometimes a lot. Sour attitudes, elitists, or overly negative personas need not apply. Our team does not accept large group applications.

Sound like something you’d enjoy?
Get your nights back! Apply today!


Evolution on Spirestone-US

Is in high need of another warrior to bolster our roster.

Raid Times:
Friday/Saturday 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pacific
Invites are at 5:45 PM!

Currently Recruiting:
Elemental Shamans :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :zap:
Discipline Priests :sparkles: :adhesive_bandage:
Shadow Priests :eight_pointed_black_star: :ghost:
Rogues :dagger: :hocho:
Warlocks :smiling_imp: :boom:
Hunters :lion: :gun:
Mages :fire: :snowflake:
Monks :facepunch::bird:
Warriors :crossed_swords:

We always consider skilled players to add to our core so apply!!

Why Evolution?
is an endgame progression guild that raids casual hours.

Our guild has been around for more than a decade! We have a great community of friendly and competitive players from all around the world. We have an active community of Mythic+ runners and also engage in War Mode PvP/Arena/BGs on a regular basis.

When it comes to raiding we have only one objective in mind: PROGRESS!

Our raiders have significant experience in gaming competitively and raiding previous and current content. We are constantly looking for ways to improve and take constructive criticism.

We like to have a good time, but also know when to get things done.

recruits on the basis of character and raid performance.
If either of these is lacking, we don’t want you.

Be on time, prepared, and ready to pull at 5:45 PM.
We expect vocal communication when required.
There is no drama here.

We expect you to adapt to random situations, and have no issues with being aware of your surroundings. Fast learners that can exceed under pressure without sacrificing your life to raid 4 or 5 days a week should APPLY!

How to join:

Complete the form, then join our discord and post in #recruitment to let us know you’ve completed the application!



Hello, We are Fearfulways Guild - Argent Dawn Horde. We are currently 5/10M SoD. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7pm to 11pm EST. We would love to chat with you about trialing as we don’t currently have an Arms warrior; if interested please contact me:
Battle Tag - Bevee#1903
Discord - Bevee#3164

Hey bud we are 4/10M and LF more. HMU. Quick spam.

Quick Bio
We are Inconceivable, a newly formed guild on Area 52. We have been clearing content together since 2015 and have recently created a new guild under new ownership! We have a fun, friendly, relaxed environment both in raid and outside of raid with the goal of pushing for CE each tier.

Attendance: Each and every raiders is expected to have 90% attendance. Players who cannot maintain 90% attendance will be sat on the bench and will remain in that spot until they can prove otherwise.
Consumables: each raider is expected to have full consumables. That means, food, flask, pots (enough for pre and post pulls) vantus runes, augment runes, oils, and armor kits. As we supply flask, food, and usually vantus runes, we still expect them to be in your bags.
Knowledge of class: Nobody is the forefront expert on their class. We expect all raiders to understand their class, and keep putting in the effort to be better.
Knowledge of fights: An understanding of all fights that the guild may be progressing on and farming.
Attitude: Always have a good attitude. Many of us come to raid because it is our escape from the real world. If you cannot come and wipe on a progression boss all night while keeping a good, positive, fun attitude, you may not want to inquire.

Raid Times
Wednesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EASTERN
Optional Night: Tuesday 10pm-1am est.

What we need
Healer - ANY

Discord: Vergina#7454
Battle.net: Hombre#11109

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. )

Hey Wurtley,

We are Thought, an Alliance 2 day a week guild on Sargeras. We are 10/10H, 4/10M and are recruiting a Warrior for our core team. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 7-10PM CST.

We finished last tier 9/10M and are pushing for CE this tier.

Let me know if you are interested, you can reach me on discord at cabosetv#0275 or bnet at cabose#1677.

< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.

With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:

  • Core raids for each team

  • Community raids open to all

  • Legacy & achievement events open to all

  • M+ Dungeons

  • Twitch hosting for raiders

  • Social Media promotion

  • Active guild discord

  • Blizzcon meetups

Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.

  • R1. Color Blind F/S - MYTHIC - 4/10M SoD (9:00pm - 12am CST, F/S) - franknstyn#1908

  • R2. Casually Dysfunctional - AOTC+ - 1/10M SoD (8:00pm - 10:00pm CST, W/Su) - XmandevilX#1815

  • R3. Last Pull - AOTC+ - 1/10M SoD (8:30am - 11:30am CST, W/TH) - basedbro#11477

  • R4. Misfits - LEARNING RAID - 10/10N SoD (8pm - 11am CST, M) - Vel#11433

  • R5. Loud Noises! - MYTHIC - 5/10M SoD (9pm - 12am CST, W/TH/Su) - draenal#1576

  • R6. Barely Heroic - HEROIC - 9/10H SoD (11:00pm - 1:00am CST, T/Th) - kylani#1647

Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)

Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)

Visit SeraphGuild.com for more information, and watch us raid at http://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild!