240 Arms Warrior 3/10M 10/10H SoD LF Guild

Looking for a 2 or 3 day mythic raiding guild that raids between 8-12 EST, prefer weekdays.
Have logs for this current raid tier. Guild broke apart and looking for a stable guild to progress with. Played hardcore back in Cata/MoP and got US25th in SoO, returned for SL to push CE again.

9/10M in CN.

Bnet: Wurtey#1959
Discord: Wurtey#6457


is recruiting exceptional players for CE PROGRESSION


We are currently 3/10 M - 10/10 H - 10/10N

Our best pull is 4% on Mythic Remnant today

Please look here for an example of our parse during progression kill: https://i.imgur.com/cUxbA0X.png

We are looking for players who can parse at least 75% with the team as well as have the stamina for the wipes that come with it.

Raid Times

Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pacific

Currently Recruiting Spec
Shaman DPS
Monk DPS (offspec tank a plus)
Death Knight DPS (offspec tank a plus)
Mage DPS
Hunter DPS
Demon Hunter DPS (offspec tank a plus)

We swap people in during half time so all get playtime.
Best Team Composition will go for the kill and people who don't get in get swapped in next clear.
Each spot is a core spot which you must earn and keep. :)

Discord Contact:



If you’re willing to go Alliance, let’s chat!

Uncommon Sense is an Alliance guild on Proudmoore. We raid Tues/Wed/Thurs from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST, with an optional Heroic/Normal run on Sunday.

Shadowlands Progression

  • Sanctum of Domination: 5/10m
  • Castle Nathria: 10/10m Cutting Edge

Battle for Azeroth Progression

  • Ny’alotha: 12/12m Cutting Edge
  • Eternal Palace: 8/8m Cutting Edge
  • Crucible of Storms: 2/2h
  • Battle for Dazar’alor: 9/9m Cutting Edge
  • Uldir: 8/8m Cutting Edge

Legion Progression

  • Antorus: 11/11m Cutting Edge
  • Tomb of Sargeras: 8/9m
  • Nighthold: 10/10m Cutting Edge
  • Trial of Valor: 3/3m Cutting Edge
  • Emerald Nightmare: 7/7m Cutting Edge

For more information about Uncommon Sense, please visit our Discord: https://discord.gg/uyEe57p

If you’re interested in talking more, please add me.

  • Discord: Justify#3562
  • BattleTag: Justify#11282

Hi Yianster! We are Adversary and we are 3/10 mythic 10/10H. We raid Wed/Thurs 8:00 to 11:00 pm EST. We are recruiting exceptional players for cutting edge. We may be a great fit.

Please reach out to us if you’d like to discuss trialing with the team!
Discord: Khromah#1532
Btag: Khromah#1755

Boss Lasers is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild on US-Zul’jin Horde that is centered around fully clearing content while it is current.

We’re a very active guild, even outside of raids. Guild Members are constantly organizing alt runs, mythic+ groups, PvP/Arena, etc.

We are all friends, and we keep a respectful atmosphere when we play with each other.

Current Progression in SoD:

2/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times:

8:00PM – 11:00PM EST Tuesday and Wednesday, optional Thursday raid

Learn More About Us




If you would like to apply, please copy the link below. All applications are private.


Contact Information:

Tarox (Discord: Tarox#0729)

hey! We are 4/10M and can use a strong arms warrior to add to our mythic core. hit us up if you’re still looking: