239 DPS Warrior 10/10H, 1/10m LF raiding guild

I’m Herbie and I’m looking for a raid guild. My current progress is fairly casual so my focus is on finding good people to progress mythic content with. I swapped to melee this tier after a few xpacs of playing ranged, still adjusting but its very fun. The only requirement I have for a guild is that they provide the means to fulfill their own requirements, i.e., don’t require 10 +15s but only have a small clique of players who run m+, etc.

Anyday 7pm- 12pm server. Preference towards the weekend.

Logs(remove forward slashes)
Current: //https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/area-52/herbie#
Castle Nathria: //https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/area-52/gizlordherbi#zone=26

Contact Info
Discord: Herbie#3090
BNET: Herbie#11267

Hey interested in this. Heres a link to our recruiting post!