237 Warlock LF Guild Raiding/M+/PvP

Hello All,

I made a post yesterday but noticed I had not updated my listed character and left out some crucial information such as faction preference, raid times, ect.


  • Toon linked to my account now reflects my main this expansion. Alliance Warlock
  • I am currently on Cho’gall but definitely willing to transfer both faction and server for the right fit.
  • I live in EST and my prefered raid times are Mon-Thurs 7pm-11pm (flexible to some extent). I can do weekends 85% of the time but could not give my 100% guarantee I will always be available.

I was with my previous guild for almost 2 years as a core raider. I have finally decided that the negative attitudes and constant put downs toward guildies from the leader and officers were enough for me. I like to push content but not at the cost of enjoyment due to constant negative attitudes.

I am looking for a calm, collected group of adults who enjoy the time they set aside for the game and don’t mind the grind of progression. A group of people who outside of raids still like to meet up for high level keys and RBGs.

I am well versed in all 3 warlock specs and also have several other geared 60 toons that would follow if I found the right group (Feral, Enh Shaman, WW Monk)

10/10H CN
4/10M CN
10/10N SoD
6/10 H SoD

Sorry to make a second post but I was unable to figure out how to edit the previous one.

Thanks all!

Hey Losses, I’m an officer for Grimfrost on Emerald Dream (Alliance) and we’re looking for a couple more solid dps to fill out our roster going into mythic. We are currently 9/10H SoD and raid Weds/Thurs 8:30-11:30 EST. Most of our raiders love running mythic+ as well, so there’s almost always people looking for groups for keys anywhere from lower to 18-19s. If we sound like a good fit for you, feel free to reach out to me on here or:

Discord: Tigel#8054
Bnet: Tigel#1254


We are the Coffee Shoppe on Area 52 we are in need of some more DPS and we fit your times!

We raid tues/thurs 8-11pm est

If this works for you please add me gilga2k#1922 ← Btag

Hello Losses

[US][A] [Interstellar Overdrive] would be interested in having you potentially trialing to join our raiding team! We are semi-hardcore and achieved 6/10 M CN last tier. We recently cleared Heroic SOD and will be pushing into Mythic progression soon.

Interstellar Overdrive

  • Semi-Hardcore : 10/10 AOTC H SOD — 1/10 M SOD
  • Connected Servers : Draenor/Echo Isles
  • Raid Nights : Tuesday/Thursday (Saturday - Optional)
  • Raid Times : 9-12pm EST

Feel free to give our guild recruitment page a quick lookover to see if we would be a good fit for you!

Best of Luck!
Battle Net : Paracyte#11293
Discord : Eccosan#2489

Still searching. I have reached out to a few but still nothing finalized yet.

if you feel like joining big red we would love to trial you see if the vibe works.

Mal’Ganis Chocolate Milk is currently 8/10H with 10/10H leadership SOD raiding/mythic+ guild. We are looking for laid back and focused raiders to flush out the rest of our raid team. LF skilled players and anyone looking to have fun. We also do PVP on all levels and are big into Mythic Key Stones.

Current class needs -


Always looks good on applicants if you are ready and willing to Flex regarding specs and follow the meta needs.

Raid time= 7pm-10pm CST Tues/Thurs

Any class that is not listed and wish to join feel free to pm as skills is Very important!

feel free to post here or

Hey Losses,

Dedicated and Medicated is an alliance guild on Stormrage. We are recruiting for our raid roster. We are currently 9/10H and plan to start pushing into mythic while progging Slyvanas. Our goal is CE this tier though we did just form this xpac. However, with that said, we are a non-toxic group who has pushed quickly through this tier for a new guild. We raid Sat/Sun from 8-11pm EST. We have optional raid on Friday at the same time for farm bosses.

We have members playing most every night. When we aren’t raiding, we are doing keys, torghast, etc. We are extremely active in discord as well (both in posting and voice chats).

If you want to test out our atmosphere and are on alliance, feel free to consider joining our community instead while you check us out.

If we sound like a good fit, please consider reaching out:




Meega #11302

Hey Losses,

I posted in your other post but figured I would add our info here as well.

We are Thought, an Alliance mythic raiding guild on Sargeras. We are currently 9/10H and 3/10M raiding on Tuesday and Wednesday from 7-10PM CST. We finished last tier 9/10M and are pushing CE this tier.

We are in need of a Warlock. We are group of raiders focused on progression but don’t let our attitudes ruin our enjoyment for the game. Let me know if you are interested. You can find me on discord at cabosetv#0275 or bnet at cabose#1677

Check us out

Boss Lasers is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild on US-Zul’jin Horde that is centered around fully clearing content while it is current.

We want intelligent and active players who are eager to progress through the new content as soon as it’s available. We want players who are able to be a part of the team; that involves:

  • Attending virtually all the raids

  • Having stable computers and internet connections

  • Min/maxing

  • Bringing consumables

  • Making sure you are up to date on all your classes’ developments, as well as the game’s developments and upcoming changes

Current Progression in SoD:

1/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times:

8:00PM – 11:00PM EST Tuesday and Wednesday, optional Thursday raid


Exceptional players

We’re a very active guild, even outside of raids. Guild Members are constantly organizing alt runs, mythic+ groups, PvP/Arena, etc.

We are all friends, and we keep a respectful atmosphere when we play with each other. If you believe all of this applies to you, and you would like to be a part of our team, feel free to apply.

If you would like to apply, please copy the link below. All applications are private.


Contact Information:

Tarox (Discord: Tarox#0729)

Hey man! My guild is 9/10H, 1/10M we are on zul’jin, we raid tue/wed 9-12:30 est and Sunday 9-12 feel free to add me in bnet fen#12364 would love to chat!

Hey man, you look like you’d fit in with us, check us out:

{Noble House-Emerald Dream} Is a laidback semi-hardcore Mythic Guild, Looking to recruit raiders for Mythic SoD Progression. If you like killing bosses while sharing laughs with pals, this is the place for you!

We are currently 9/10H 1/10M and raid on T/W 8-10:30 CST.

Please note if your class is not listed below feel free to apply! All applicants will be considered regardless of their class / spec.

Current Needs:
Tanks: Any
Healers: HPal, DPriest,
DPS: BDruid High, HDh High, AMage low

Mock MDI every Mondays, Called NDI! Transmog competitions, Along with a very active community. LF All
Please feel free to apply thru either the form or contacting us. Both is always faster!
forms. gle/rk3wMpTJXDnd4y9N6

Andy#2126 - GM Discord
Sirschmoopyo#1230 - GM Bnet
nemo#8601 - myself Discord

Hay if you would be interested in joining big red we would love to have you along let’s chat.

Mal’Ganis Chocolate Milk is currently 8/10H with 10/10H leadership SOD raiding/mythic+ guild. We are looking for laid back and focused raiders to flush out the rest of our raid team. LF skilled players and anyone looking to have fun. We also do PVP on all levels and are big into Mythic Key Stones.

Current class needs -






Always looks good on applicants if you are ready and willing to Flex regarding specs and follow the meta needs.

Raid time= 7pm-10pm CST Tues/Thurs

Any class that is not listed and wish to join feel free to pm as skills is Very important!

feel free to post here or





Hey! From your note you would fit in and could easily get you to speed. We’re on the server Kil’Jaeden 9/10H & 1/10M. Raid Wednesday/Thursday 6-9pm PST! / 9pm-Midnight EST. Looking to lock in our ATOC/Mythic roaster with a few people stepping away soon. In search of players looking for a home. We’re a mature atmosphere with most people 30+ that has clear leadership and raid organization that is interested in players looking to improve but in a casual fun! environment. Each week (M+ Keys), Covenant, Class research, etc etc are standards for the roaster AKA not pure raid log. Guildies always open to help but personal responsibility. Many of us hangout in Discord and play outside of raiding! Would love to chat more, here is my contact info Btag Treebierd#1123 and Discord Oro#6621

Hey we are a weekend raiding guild of sat and sun from 8 est to 11 est. WE are newer but very mythic focused and we have a large M+ group as well. We are currently 9/10 H SoD and only 1/10 M SoD but we are progressing fast for being a new guild. If you have any interest please message me at Drexian#1796

Hello. My guild is 8/10 heroic and raids Fri and Sat at 9pm EST until midnight. We have an open spot for a warlock and are very interested in your services. Gorlock#7739 on discord

Hi Losses! DFG(H) Thrall is recruiting now as some of our Core Raiders are unavailable to finish SoD progression at this time. LF Active players! 3 Healers and 3-4 DPS for Raid team to finish SoD Heroic AOTC Progression . If you are a Tank with a DPS Off Spec that is fine !! Active players on every night to do >+15 M+ Dungeons. Raid is Tuesday, 9:30-12:30 EST (server time), and Saturday, 9:30-12:30 EST. When we have AOTC we intend to dabble in Mythic.
If you are interested PM me in game: Luusee or on Discord : Luusee#0268 or Real ID: Nerida #1528

Hey there!!

Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.

Raid Days

Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST

Our priorities for recruitment is the following:

  • Healers - Disc Priest and Flex Healers (main spec DPS)
  • Ranged DPS - Balance Druid - High Priority*
  • Melee DPS - Enhancement Shaman and Unholy Death Knight

All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.

Current progression

Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 10/10
Mythic - 3/10

Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.

Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing.

Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)

or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.

Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157

I can’t tell if you’ve already found a new guild, but I figured I’d respond all the same.
I’m a raider in < Ashes >. Server: Fizzcrank/Aggramar, Faction: Alliance. Tues/Wed 7:30-10:30 CST. (a touch later than you were looking for, but not terrible)
We’re a casual mythic guild. We were 6/10 CN. Last night we got AotC (full H clear in one night, one-shots except for Fatescribe and Sylvanas). Tonight is our first night in mythic aside from Tarragrue the past few weeks. We’re looking for a few more people to fill out our roster. We’re a pretty laidback team. We have a good number of people pushing higher keys and a few who love the PvP scene.

If that at all sounds appealing to you, let me know! Good luck out there!

Discord: kationka#1818

Far Beyond Insanity is looking for a good solid reliable Lock for our core mythic team. Currently 3/10M. We raid Tues/Wed/Thur 9-Midnight EST.

Btag: Krazy#1922
Discord: Krazy#6618

Hey Losses,
Reading your post! We have a spot open on your team you would be fantastic for! Looking to fill our Mythic roaster and give a home to players long term as we have a few core players that have life commitments coming up soon and won’t be able to raid. We’re a mature atmosphere with most people 25+/30+ that has clear leadership and raid organization that is interested in players looking to improve/ do raid prep. Each week (M+ Keys), Covenant, Class research, are personal responsibility BUT we help with everything as a guild. Would love to get you in discord a chat more!

On top of that along with myself we have 8-15 players that push high keys all had KSM + (s1) about 6 of us have it (s2) now and the rest will being getting it organically the next week or two PLUS KSM ALTs. We expect in 3-4 weeks we’ll be pushing 18-20s in guild without any heavy lifting. If interested too we have a partnership with another guild to sell key runs 10+ and 15+ you can sign up for for extra gold.

Guild & Server
Brigadier of Hell [H] Kil’jaeden

Current Progression
9/10H & 1/10M SOD

Raid Times/Days
Wed/Thursday 6-9pm PST
We run an optional raid on Tuesday 6-8pm PST (ALT / Farming bosses for specific gear)


A casual approach to Mythic as we all really enjoy playing together in and out of raid, we utilize organization and clear raid leading to maximize our two day raid schedule.
Non-Toxic and inclusive nature. When we mean Non-Toxic we activity work to foster a guild community in and out of raid.

Looking for players that want a “Home” for Raid, M+, Achievement Runs, Dailies, and Alt Action all the while able to focus up when it’s boss killing time!

Let’s get in Discord or In-game and let’s talk
Recruitment Contact
Bnet: TreeBierd#1123
In-Game: Ororue
Discord: Oro#6621