236 Havoc DH LF Mythic CE Raiding Guild [H] [Mal'Ganis]

I am currently in search of a solid guild that is in need of a Havoc DH. Item Level is 236 and ive missed some serious raid time due to working graveyard shift during the weekdays. Looking for a guild that raids on Friday/Saturdays only. Doing M+ on weekdays are fine. Im always around for those. I am 8/10 Heroic SoD with knowledge to kill last 2. work prevented that from happening. and 1/10 mythic SoD. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to add my Battletag and Discord. Also i play Horde on Mal’ganis and willing to X-fer if everything works out properly.
Battletag: Predatør#11294
Discord: Predatør#7435

Hey Avalon,

Here We Go Again might be your new permanent home! We are 10/10N, 8/10H SoD, finishing 8/10M in CN last tier. We raid Tuesday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Super funny and laid back guild, who enjoy heroic and mythic progression. We constantly have people in discord as well as online in game.

Please feel free to reach out on discord to our RL joyner#1046 (bnet: joyner#11648) or our other officers Curves#5760 and Holypower#6874



If you could swing raiding on sundays we are currently looking to pick up a DH as a core raid spot for our raid team and think you would be a perfect fit for our guild! Below is all of our guild information if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Name: Next Pull For Sure
Server: Mal’Ganis [Horde]
Progression: 1/10M, 10/10H SoD
Times: Sat/Sun 7-10pm CST.

BTAG: Owlkaboom#1536
Discord: owlkaboom#1245

If interested please apply below!

Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYz3ekU2DoQ8FbmJXegEyUOA-ChQSJnkn8m6KAjXpsD2XEsA/viewform
Recruitment Thread: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-110m-sod-weekend-raiding-guild-lfm-mythic-oriented-raiders/712615
WCL Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/575069

hey there, just responding back to you from my thread. just wanted to let you know, i am searching for Friday/Saturdays mainly because of my work schedule. those are the only 2 nights i can actually dedicate my time to raiding. currently i raid with a guild who is 10/10H and 2/10 Mythic but ive missed the Eye kill on mythic and i have missed out on CE because of having to leave early. so saturday wouldnt be an issue at all. but sunday would be a burden sadly since i have to leave @9pm so id miss out on 1 hr a week of raiding on a 6 hr raid weekend. my logs arent super impressive but its been tough. since im out 3 hrs a week from raiding its tough to work on my craft. Please message back with your thoughts.